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Addys POV :
Oh shit I feel really bad like I'm gonna throw up.

I've never felt this and before honestly. Maybe when I was little but that's only because I ate too much Halloween candy. Plus I was 5 .

I got up and went to the bathroom trying not to wake Johnny from his peaceful slumber of sleep.

I closed the door and I hovered over the counter until I felt something come up.

"Addy"I heard Johnny say. "Oh my gosh are you ok"he asked coming to my side and helping me up.

"No I feel really bad"I said sweating like a maniac. "Let's get you to the hospital "he said.

I nodded and put on pants,bra,and underwear and just left the shirt I had on.

He helped me to the car and we drove to the hospital.

The hospital was about 10 minutes away from he lived it took us 5.

They got me in as soon as possible.

"Ok Mrs.Fields we're gonna run a few test on you to see if anything is wrong"the doctor said.

I nodded and he walked out I practically cried into Johnny's arms . "It's ok baby calm down"he said rubbing his thumb along my back.
"Ok I have good news and no bad news"he said. "Ok what is it"Johnny asked. "Congratulations you two your gonna be parents "he said.

Johnny and I faces dropped when he said that. "I'm gonna be a dad"Johnny said. I'm crying again but this time in happiness not sadness.

"Baby we're gonna have a baby"Johnny said. "I know but how"I asked. Than I remembered we got carried away and just forgot to use protection.

"That doesn't matter we're gonna have a little Johnny or Addison running around soon"he said. "I know "I said in joy.

Just thinking of having my own child is mind blowing. I kinda wanted to wait until after I was married or at least until I was 20 but god has his ways.

Maybe this baby will bring me and Johnny closer than we already are.
" so when do you find out the gender"Johnny asked getting in the car.

"Six months so five more months "I said. I remember them telling us that in middle school.

"Are we even ready to have or take care of another human being "I asked Johnny on a serious note. "I don't know maybe he or she comes out parent skills will come out"he said looking at me and than back on the road.


•list baby names(1 girl, 1 boy)

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