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Addys POV :
What Dylan was saying last night hit me. I lied to Johnny.

I had an abortion in college because I wasn't ready to be a mom. Dylan would have a been the dad.

I could have had a child by now that would be one years old.

But I wasn't ready and I try to forget that night so deeply and it's one of my biggest and deepest regrets. It's always on my mind and it never goes away.

"Good morning squishy"Dylan said. "Good Morning bean"I said.

"I'm sorry for bringing up the past I know that you don't like to talk about it "he said with apologetic eyes.

"It's ok really im glad to be able to talk about it with you " I said with a sincere smile.

"Are you ready to see Johnny yet"he asked. "When he apologizes then I will be ready"I said.

"Addy don't be like that be the bigger person in the situation"he said. "Well I'll just be the smaller person"I said. "Addy. You wanna know what Johnny is"he said. "A dick head"I said hoping that was answer. "Yes but he is a pussy"he said.

"Hey he is not first of all he just doesn't know how to manage his feelings or express them"I said defending Johnny.

He gave me look as if he made a pint which he did.

"Oh I see what you did there"I said coming to realization.

"Yea now go back the last thing is Johnny saying I'm trying to steal you"he said laughing slightly.

I rolled my eyes at him laughing on the way out.
I walked in and Johnny immediately stood up and came to me.

I raised my eyebrow at him looking him into the eyes.

"Where the hell were you"he said in a serious tone.

"Why does it matter"I said snapping back. "Because your the mother of my child and I need to know your safe"he said raising his voice.

"Ok and I'm fine so chill out"I said doing the same. "Again where were you"he said grabbing my arm pulling me back.

"Don't touch me "I said clenching my teeth. "Where were you"he said calming down a little.

"I was a friends house"I said.

Can we ever a moment where we aren't fighting.


"Does it matter".

"Yes addy is does actually . You were probably fucking one of them any way"he said.

Did he just say that as if I did because I did. The accusations he makes on me are disgustingly and very rude.

I haven't even accused him of getting with Molly. We're cool now hopefully.

"What are you even saying right now please tell me"I said with disbelief in my tone.

"Do I have to repeat myself"he said. "You are unbelievable right now I haven't gotten with anyone so "I said.

"Addy it doesn't matter anymore "he said in a serious tone. "Why exactly"I said. "Because we're done "he said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Your unbelievable Johnny "I said going upstairs.

I proceeded to gather all of my things from his house. I double checked everything and got my things from downstairs and went out to my car and drove to my apartment.

I knew I would have to come back here eventually.

Glad I didn't cancel the lease yet or else I would be living with my parents and by now they have probably turned my room into something else.

I reach my apartment and look at the view of Los Angeles.

I don't know why Johnny's so mad all the time. Like did I do something wrong because I honestly don't know what I did.
Wonder if I'll be a single parent because honestly it looks like it.

He only likes me when I have sex with him and that's it. Other than that it's were gonna pick a fight with addy tonight yay.

Half the time over some of the stupidest shit ever.

I still love him that will never change I've learned from the past. I just don't think he loves me back.


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