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*(Y/N)'s POV*

    "(Y/N)! Wake up already we are going to be late! Hurry up if not the guys are going to get mad!" D.O yelled into my ear

     Oh do I hate when he does that. It bugs me beyond belief, why can't I have a sweet twin brother that wakes me up nicely without making me want to punch him in the face. I finally slugged my way out of bed an quickly got ready for school. I hate waking up so early to go to school, the worst part is I'm a high school senior. That's what makes every morning more irritating.

     "Alright lets go" I explained stepping down the stairs, in no hurry what so ever. D.O stood in the kitchen waiting for me, he held two apples in his hand one for him and the other for me. It had somehow become something we have always done since we were kids, two of everything.

     "Here you go sis" He smiled and tossed me the apple, I smiled back catching it easily "Is Sehun coming with us?" He asked looking up the stairs behind me for our younger brother, well not much younger since he's a Junior

    "Sehun! Are you coming with us?" I shouted, he rushed down the stairs his blonde hair a mess

    "Yeah can you guys give me and Luhan a lift?" He asked, we both nodded it was a common thing anyways. I don't know why he always asks when it's always a yes.

    We all headed outside where the group was waiting. There wasn't many of us, only ten of us in total, well seven because three of our friends including Sehun are still juniors. That meaning we don't really see them that often, only on the way to school and back. The three of use entered the big black van that belonged to Suho. Everyone else was already inside, we were only missing Luhan.

     "Hey it's the twins, and little Sehun we missed you guys" Baekhyun smiled welcoming us into the van, Sehun rolled his eyes to his words as I slightly chuckled.

    We sat down and waited to get to Luhan's house and head over to school. Our group wasn't so popular in town, we were named freaks at young ages. 

    Suho is sort of the guardian of the whole group. He is a really nice guy, very kind, and caring coming from a rich family. He is an only child so when it came to socializing he wasn't the best. So they just never let him fit in. Not only that but Suho is special as I like to call it he can communicate with those who are already dead. He can't see them but they talk to him and he talks back. When we had moved here as kids, he had defended us from a group of bullies, we became inspirable since then.

    Then there is Kris and Tao they are brothers, Kris being a senior and Tao being a junior with Sehun and Luhan. They are both special as well, they get visions when they meet or come in contact with certain people. It comes in handy at times, but sometimes they see things they aren't supposed to. For example when someone is going to die, or what day it will be. It really takes a tool on them, but they mange it well. When they came across our little group they didn't see any visions and we became friends. The day they had explained their ability's to us we weren't that surprised and they eventually tagged along with us.

    Baekhyun and Chanyeol are also brothers, they were the crazy two out of the bunch, never really sad and always up beat. Then there is Luhan and Kai who are cousins. When we were freshman, we met the four of them. They had all moved here from the same school and had asked to be our friends. We of course denied them not knowing anything about them but soon enough we crossed paths again. They were exorcist, and we decided to help each other out. Thus the group was created. 

     D.O and I have what I like to call a curse, you see we see ghost. Unlike Suho, we see them, and all the time to be exact. Sehun being more lucky than us can see them when he wants too, like and on and off switch for his eyes. We always have seen ghosts since we were born. D.O doesn't mind it considering it a blessing, than a curse. I hate it. I really hate it. I just wish we could be normal teenagers but nope the universe decided let's make all these kids weird and hated by everyone.

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