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*(Y/N)'s POV*

      Today seemed to so slow. It's like if today was especially boring, I put my head on my desk and groaned. I earned a couple of looks from the people sitting in front of me but I didn't care. Chen usual hangs out with me and makes the day a bit more interesting but he never appeared today, instead Lay sat beside through the whole day

     "(Y/N) are you alright?" Lay asked for the hundredth time, I had been like this all day. Since he came back from getting rid of the ghost he's been watching me suffer through this day

     Before I could answer the bell rang. I bolted from my seat grabbed my things and was out the door. I am not staying in there any longer. Once I was outside I went to the van and took a seat on the hood of it. Suho has told me so many times not to but it's so comfortable. I crossed my legs and put my chin in one of my hands resting my elbow on my knee. Now I have to wait.

    Other students passed in front of me giving disapproved looks like always it used to bother me when I was younger but now I just don't really care. It's not like everyone can suddenly like me, they have hated us since we were kids. Nothing is ever going to change. I spaced out when suddenly someone hit the hood of the van right next to where I was sitting. I jumped a bit surprised.

     "Hello (Y/N), you look lonely care for some company?" Jackson asked grinned happily up at me

      Jackson looked at me with pleading eyes, and behind him stood the rest of his group. They all waved a bit at me, waiting for me to respond. I didn't understand this group, they always tried to talk to me. When they moved here in the beginning of the school year they were instantly named popular because of their looks. I do have to admit they are all very handsome, but what bothered me was that they always showed up when I was alone.

     "Hey guys, what is it now?" I asked looking for my idiot friends to show up and save me

      I don't hate them or anything. I just can't seem to trust them, they are really nice and all, but no one has ever been nice to me other than my friends. I tried to avoid the group as much as I could but like Lay and Chen, I got used them.

     "Well we saw you all alone and thought you might like us to join you while you wait" Mark explained as the rest nodded with him

     "I don't care do whatever you want" I explained, instead of leaving they all got comfortable and smiled at me (that lyric refrence tho. *high fives self*)

     "I'm back (Y/N) did you miss me?" I looked to my side and saw Lay laughing, he eyed the group of boys surrounding us

     "Where have you been?" I asked, they all stared at me in awe

     "(Y/N) are you talking to a ghost right now? That's so cool" Yugyeom beamed looking to my side trying to see what I see

"Is it the same ghost from last time?" Bam Bam asked waiting for my answer

     "Yes Bam Bam it's Lay" I nodded "I don't understand you guys. Why do you guys even talk to me, I see and talk to ghost doesn't that weird you out" I finally asked

     "No way, we think you're the coolest (Y/N). That's why we want to be friends with you and your friends" Youngjae held two thumbs up and shook them back and forth, I looked at him confused not understanding them at all

     "Uh okay" I said still not understanding them

    "Here come your friends so we will be on our way" Jr explained pointing behind him

     "We'll see you soon (Y/N)" JB waved as they walked away

   I was completely in shock with what they just said. They want to be our friends, the whole school like worships them and they want to be our friends. The so called "freaks" of the school. What even

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