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*(Y/N) POV*

    The weekend came quicker than expected and I was so grateful for that. School is just so tiring and boring, I'm so over it. Lucky for me, I may not pay attention in class but I am smart so my homework is already done. I continued laying in my bed not wanting to get up. I'm to tired and I have nothing to get up for anyways, it's already the afternoon.

   I plugged my phone into my speakers and let my favorite song blast through the speakers. I know Sehun or Kyungsoo are going to come in here and tell me to turn it down, but until that happens I began to sing the lyrics. As I hummed along, the song stopped and was interrupted when my phone began to ring instead. I disconnected it confused and answered the call

   "Hello?" I asked confused

   "(Y/N)! It's me Bam Bam" I pulled the phone away and looked at the screen, putting it back to my ear

   "How did you get my number?" I asked a bit weirded out

   "Don't be mad but uh-well Jackson may or may not have stole your phone when we hung out and got your number" I huffed in annoyance

   "What do you want Bam Bam" I asked annoyed getting up

   Well since I'm awake I might as well go out. I quickly changed into a different outfit. It wasn't cold out so I decided on some torn skinny jeans, and a white tee shirt. I put on my black combat boots, grabbed some cash and headed out of my room.

   "Well we were wondering if our friend wanted to hang out with us?" He asked through the phone, stressing the word friend.

    That day they skipped school with me, I some how agreed to be their friend. I don't regret it or anything because they are nothing like I imagined. They are actually really cool guys, and are pretty fun to be around, and they seem to be okay with the fact I see ghosts.

   I was just fuming with anger that day, thanks to Xiumin. Even though I was in no mood to deal with them, the seven boys were able to make me laugh and get my mind off what was making me mad. I thought they would have pried and asked who Xiumin was and why he said he was my boyfriend, but they didn't.

    I have been avoiding Xiumin ever since. The last time I even looked at him or said a word to him was in the kitchen the day I came home late. He keeps trying to talk to me but I ignore him of course. Everyone has seemed to accept him into the group except Tao, Chanyeol and I.

   "Yah (Y/N) are you still there?" Bam Bam asked as I came back to my senses

    "Yeah I'm still here" I said shaking my head, riding myself of my useless thoughts as I stepped down the stairs

    As I walked down the steps I could hear voices in the living room. I realized it was Kyung, Xiumin, Suho and Kris talking in the living room.

    "Care to meet us at the café we went to last time?" They all turned their attention towards me as I walked towards the door, Kyungsoo eyed me suspiciously

     "Yeah sure, I'll meet you guys there. I'm on my way now" I said hanging up

    "Where are you going?" Kris stared at me waiting for an answer, crossing my arms

    "To meet with Bam Bam and the guys they want to hangout" I said

    "So you're like best friends with those seven guys now, how about us huh?" Kris whined as I rolled my eyes at him

    "I'm going to go now" I said reaching for the door knob

    "Take Xiumin with you" My eyes almost popped out of my head, did he just really tell me to take Xiumin with me "(Y/N)" Kyungsoo threatened

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