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*Xiumin's POV*

It's hurts

Oh man it really hurts

I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain shot through my brain. Talk about killer head ache, I groaned and realized I was laying down. What happened to me? I tried to reappear standing up but nothing happened.

My eyes shot open and I was blinded by the bright lights above me. I went to move my hand to cover my eyes but I had tubes and other things connected to my hands. What in the world. I glanced around the room and realized I was in a hospital. A hospital.

Wait, my body, I'm in my body again!

I clenched my fist and touched my face, this is real. I am really back to my normal self, but how did I do it? Like a flood it all hit me at once, (Y/N) where is she? Where is everyone?

"Xiumin! Xiumin!" I heard someone shouting my name as I tried to sit up, dang the shouting hurts my head so much

"Okay okay please stop who are you" I said clinging to my head

"Oh no, guys he lost his memory he doesn't remember us" Chen gasped as he dramatically stated looking down at me

"Chen please stop my head hurts okay" I mumbled trying to calm him down

"Never mind he's good!" he said towards the door "How are you feeling?" Chen's expression changed from dramatic to clam in seconds. This kid I swear

"Everything hurts, but other than that and your yelling, I'm good" I said sarcastically

Before Chen could even react and say something I felt arms wrap around me, I flinched in pain as the person gasped to my reaction. They pulled away and I felt my cheeks redden beyond belief, it's (Y/N). She smiled at me but it was clear she was concerned.

"I thought you died" She whispered

"I'm okay" I smiled weakly "Are you?"

"Yeah I'm fine" She said clearing her throat

"Sure (Y/N) whatever but we had drag you out of the room" I looked towards Chen who pretended to whistle as she began to rub the nap of her neck nervously

"What happened?" I asked looking towards her with wide eyes

"Well you see this is what happened-" (Y/N) swiftly punched him in the arm shutting him up

"Your body went into a shock, the doctors told us that you had been in a coma. Someone had found you on the street where you had been attacked they couldn't identify you and you have been here since. They can't believe you woke up" she paused "They had almost given up on you" She said sadly as she messed with her fingers

She looked sad, her face had a small frown as she ignored my stare. My heart pained to see her that way, all I could think of was her smile. I miss her smile.

"You woke up" Chanyeol said happily as he patted my shoulder which suprised me

"Thought we had lost you there" Youngjae explained as everyone else gathered around my bed nodding

"How do you feel" Sehun asked

"Weird. I'm not a ghost anymore, it's been a while since I've been, I don't know human I guess" I explained poking my arm with my finger

"That's a good thing Xiumin" Baekhyun said laughing at me

"Hey!" Chen whined "It's not that bad" he pouted as Baekhyun raised his hands defensively

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