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*Xiumin's POV*

    I stood frozen as I looked at (Y/N), her eyes glossy. She stood facing them and I was by her side looking at them. Fallen angels. Can they really be telling the truth? Well if ghost exist, they can as well. No one made a move to speak. (Y/N)'s phone began to ring and her face stayed the way it was as she answered it.

    "Hello" she said with no emotion, she is in some type of shock. Mark took a step towards her and I instantly stood in front of her, I don't trust them. He stopped as the others eyed me "I'm coming home. Kyungsoo call everyone to the house now, it involves mom and dad"

    She dropped her hand still clutching her phone. She turned to look at them and then at me. She locked eyes with me and it's as if my world came crashing down. She looks so broken, and it hurts.

   "Follow me. We need to talk." She remained emotionless as she walked towards her house

    I kept my step quick beside her. She kept her eyes before her and I kept giving glances to the seven walking behind us. They havent spoken a word, but they seemed to be bickering about something.

    Once at the house (Y/N) walked though the door. I followed behind and quickly went and stood next to Chen and the others.
   Everyone was standing and the room was dead silent. The air was tense and I began to get nervous. All of them looked serious and by serious I mean like they were ready to kill someone or something.

   "Sit." (Y/N) motioned toward the couch and they all silently followed her orders "now tell us everthing."

   "We are fallen angels. We met your parents up there, actually all of your parents." Does that mean, (Y/N)'s parents, all of their parents are dead.

    As soon as those words left Jr mouth all of them seemed to have the same reaction as (Y/N) did. Their shocked expressions soon turned to angry ones as they gritted their teeth. What's going on?

   "They talked to us and asked us for our help, to protect you guys." Mark expalined

    "Protect us from what huh? We fight ghosts all the time and suddenly we need protection" Kris angerly took a step towards them as Tao held him back

    "As angels we are very powerful, stronger than most demons. We gave up our wings as a group, we are known as Got7 up there, but the only way to get them back is doing the deed we came to do. Your parents explained the situation to us and we wanted to help, however we knew you guys wouldn't accept us right away so-" JB was cut off by Bam Bam

   "We noticed that you guys circle around (Y/N) since she is the only girl. We decided it'd be best to become her friend then all of yours before telling you guys everything, but the attacks are getting more frequent." the room continued to stay silent as they went on

   "We couldn't risk (Y/N) getting hurt, we had to show are true selfs in order to save her" They all had eyes on her but her expression was unreadble

    "But what the hell are you guys protecting us from?" Chanyeol raised his voice

   "And our parents..what situation" Baekhyun whispered

   "All of your parents knew each other, before they died." Mark looked towards the floor "including Lay and Chen's parents" my eyes widened a bit, no way. I looked towards them and they shared the same shocked expression with me

   "What do you mean, look just tell us before I get mad and loose it" Kai threatened

    "All of their deaths weren't natural. They were all murdered, by the same person who caused Lay and Chen's accident as well" before I could even register what Mark had said Sehun had him by the collar

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