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*Xiumin's POV*

     I walked down the hallway of yet anther school, trying to find information about myself. I honestly have no idea how long I have been doing this for. The same thing as always, just walking through schools trying to find something familiar anything, just something that clicks.

   I just can't remember what happened to me. I know I'm dead, well pretty sure am I. I dont know how this stuff works but I don't remember how I died or why I can't cross over. I don't remember anything at all, if I have a family, where I'm from, anything. All I know is that my name is Xiumin, and that I'm still in high school because when I did wake up as I ghost I was wearing a high school uniform. I was utterly confused and I have been for the longest time.

   I tried asking for help, from other ghost that are still roaming around like I am, but all of them have been no help. Most of them just ignore me, or tell me to figure it out on my own. It was divesting and just, I just wish I knew what to do. I need to find some one who can help me.

   I glanced around the hallway trying to remember or better yet recognize someone but nothing. This time instead of disappearing right away like I usually do, something was telling me to stay a bit longer. So I did, and continued to glance around the hallway confused.

    The students rushed to their classes, talking to each other and grabbing books. It has been a long time since I last laughed, or even smiled. I tried not to think about it as they walked right though me. I still haven't gotten used to people not being able to see me, or hear me, it's so lonely like this. I shook my head of my useless thoughts.

    When I finally looked up, I noticed a girl around my age with (H/C) hair. She's cute, I thought to myself, her eyes met mine and my heart instantly stopped and began to race. My breath instantly was knocked out of my lungs. She's looking at me. Can she see me? I froze where I stood and continued to look at her. Something in my brain clicked when I looked at her more.

     She continued to look at me as well, I glanced behind me thinking she was looking at someone behind me maybe. When I turned around there was no one. She was running straight towards me, I waited for her to go through me like everyone else but I was dumbfounded when she went around me.

Around me. As in she saw me standing her? She can see me!

     Once it registered in my head that she saw me, I spun around as fast as I could to find her. She can help me. I know she can, she'll help me figure this all out. Maybe. But its worth a shot.

     I saw her rush into a classroom and I quickly followed her. I wonder who she is? I peeked through the classroom window and saw her sitting down in her seat staring off. I tried to figure out how I'm going to confirm the fact she saw me.

     Suddenly she looked shocked and quickly looked away from the window keeping her head down. I looked towards the window and saw one of those demonic ghosts. She figeted as she walked, the black fog making her more scary. The sound of her bones cracking sent shivers down my spine. Oh I hate running into those type of ghost.

She saw her. She can see ghost..

     Before I could appear next to her to talk to her, anther ghost beat me to it. He had jet black hair and looked my age, his dimples made him seem a bit younger though. He casually sat on the empty desk beside her talking to her. She answered him, he nodded and then disappeared. Who is he?

       I kept looking at her. Why can she see ghost? Who was that guy? She'll help me right? I head was full of unaswered questions, when I felt someone behind me. I looked behind me and jumped back in shock.

     "Yah! Who are you and what are you staring at?" a loud ghost questioned me

      This is the first ghost to actually approach me first. He seemed annoyed with me, but he was talking to me. I looked at him blankly when he finally spoke up again.

     "Look man, are you lost or something?" he said looking at me up and down

      "Uh kinda I guess so" I said scratching my neck nervously

      "Hmm well my name is Chen" he explained exdending his hand towards me which I shook "maybe I can help you" he explained smiling

      "I'm Xiumin. I could really use it" I said releasing his hand he nodded

      "My friends can help you cross over, don't worry" he explained I nodded turning my attention back to her

      "Who is she?" I asked hoping he knew

      "Oh thats (Y/N), she's one of my friends that can help" he looked at her and paused "maybe" he said

      So her name is (Y/N). It has such a nice ring to it. I kept reapeting it in my head so I wouldnt forget. She looked so kind. Why would Chen say maybe

     "Why maybe?" I fianlly asked still keeping my gaze on her. There is just something about her, but I can't put my finger on it

      "Well she can see us and talk to us, but she doesn't like ghost well doesn't like being able to see them" he explained as I nodded "so I don't know if she'll help or not" but she was just talking to a ghost

     "I want her help" I said sternly looking at him. He seemed shocked with my words. I know it seems ridiculous, but I just know she can help me

     "Her twin brother will help you" I shook my head

     I should be accepting any help I can get why am I being so stubborn?

    "I want her help too" I spoke firmly as he seemed confused "There is just something about her that clicks" I tried to explain but he seemed lost

    "Well it depends on her. Lets go meet my friend Lay and talk more. My friends won't be out of school till later" he explained I nodded and silently followed behind him



    Her name continued to ring though my ears. Ugh what is it about her..Do I know her maybe? There is just something there, but what is it? I sighed and walked faster to keep up with Chen.

This is a mess, I thought

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