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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Fluttering my eyes open I was welcomed with such a perfect site. Xiumin was still sleeping and small snores were escaping his lips. His blonde hair was waved up and messy. His head was laying sideways on one of the cushions and he still had his arm wrapped around.

I guess we ended up falling asleep. I didn't want to wake him so I stayed where I was and watched him. His chest went up and down as he continued to sleep, he must have been exhausted. Well I suppose the both of us since I fell asleep too.

I wonder time it is. It's still night I know that looking up at the moon. I glanced out at the woods in front of us, something felt wrong. Slowly moving out of Xiumin's grasp I stood up and walked to the front lawn. The air seemed to feel cooler than before. I looked back at the front door of the house, why hasn't anyone looked for us yet? That's out of character for everyone

Snapping my head back towards the woods, I could hear branches breaking. It sounded as if someone was running. I squinted trying to see some type of figure in the woods. To my surprise a little boy stepped out into the open looking at me with wide eyes.

He looked to be about four still a child, a ghost no doubt. Tilting his head to the side, the small ball cap he was wearing fell off. What is a ghost like him doing all the way out here. Ignoring the fact I shouldn't be wandering around alone, I made my way towards him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, he didn't answer but instead seemed to study me from head to toe. "Answer me, are you lost?"

Without a word he walked up to me taking my hand with his small cold one. He stared at up at me as if waiting for something. I've never met such a young ghost, let alone one the didn't seem to have any injuries.

I looked back at the house where Xiumin was still asleep. When I was about to shout for him to help me, the little boy finally spoke.

"Mommy?" He asked softly, I leaned down so I was eye level with him and put both of my hands on his shoulder "Momma?" he asked again while placing his small fingers on his lips

"What's your name little guy?" I asked glancing behind him searching for signs of anyone else

"Mommy I look for you, I found you, can we go momma this place is scary" His small eyes filled with tears, I couldn't bring myself to correct his mistake and tell him I wasn't his mom

"Come here" I opened my hands up for him to come to me and he wrapped his small arms around my neck laying his head on my shoulder as I picked him up

This is awfully strange, what is he doing all the way out here in the middle of now where? Is it possible there was a car crash near by but there are no main roads near by. Did his mother resemble me, maybe? I tried to figure out something that made sense but nothing came to mind.

The thought that such a little boy had died somewhere near by and is now wondering around searching for his mother was unimaginable.

I walked to where Xiumin was still laying down and with one hand I softly shook his shoulder. Still half asleep he fluttered his eyes open staring at me. Rubbing both his eyes he yawned standing up.

"I fell asleep, I'm sorry (Y/N)" As he looked at me again his eyes went wide "Babe, who's that?" He questioned leaning behind me trying to get a look of the little boy's face who kept his face hidden in my neck

"I think we need to gather everyone up" I said petting the boys head to calm him down "Something is weird"

Xiumin nodded his head walking ahead me and holding the door open for me to come in. As we stood in the living room he quickly turned on the lights. He nodded his head at me rushing to gather the others.

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