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*Xiumin's POV*

It had been almost three days since GOT7 had left to go search for information on Death's hideout. Kai was finally back up on his feet and was back to his usual self. We have all kept busy with new training waiting for them to return. Some of us learning how to use the guns (Y/N) was able to get for us.

It was decided that Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Kris, Suho along with (Y/N) and I would be the ones handling the new weapons. Almost everyone agreed with the decision.


We all looked up from our positions to see Chanyeol face palming looking completely done. Above him there was a hole in the ceiling going all the way through the roof. As the dust slowly settled Tao stood frozen in his spot where he held a gun in is hand, wide eyed.

Quickly he straightened his posture and tried to play off the mistake he had just made. It was obvious he has never handled a gun before. Although he insisted on being one of the people in the group to carry one.

"Nope. There is no way you are carrying a gun" Chanyeol swiped the gun out of his hand, as tried my best to contain my laughter

"I was just warming up" Tao explained but kept his eyes to the ground rubbing the back of his neck

"Forget it Tao stay away from the guns and stick to close combat where you do best" (Y/N) spoke up after watching the whole incident quietly at my side

"but (Y/N) I-"

"Tao get over here, you are not getting a gun" Kris scolded from across the room as Tao pouted heading to where his brother was

I turned my attention back to (Y/N) who was sitting beside me. Her hair was in a ponytail but a few strands still fell loosely over her face. She was busy cleaning one of the guns she had taken apart to make sure it wouldn't jam when fired. I couldn't look away, she was breathtaking while doing anything

"Xiu why are you just staring at me?" I smiled upon hearing the sweet nickname she had come up for me escape her soft pink lips once again. No matter how many times she calls me that my heart will always flutter.

"Can't I stare at my beautiful girlfriend" I answered without at second thought, smiling once I noticed the tint of red appear on her cheeks

"I'm trying to focus" I love the sound of her laughter every time I make her blush

I scooted closer to her snaking an arm around her and letting my hand rest on her hip. I cuddled my chin into her shoulder taking in her scent.

"Wha-what are you doing?" she stuttered out as I smirked at her sudden change of behavior

"I want to take you out on a date (Y/N). I know I can't right now and I haven't been able to treat you to something special like you deserve, but I promise when everything is all over I'm taking you out for a perfect date" With my free hand I placed some of her loose hair behind her ear to see her face clearly

Her (E/C) eyes turned and looked into mine and like always I lost my breath as my heart began to race. There was a small sweet smile that appeared on her lips and I knew she appreciated my words. She slowly nodded her head agreeing with my plan.

"Eww, someone make them stop" Luhan whined making me separate from (Y/N)

"They're so in love that I think I'm going to be sick" Chen added as we both glared at him

Although we have been dating for little over a year now they are still very strict with the two of us. When ever I get close someone always tells us to separate. We have no time for ourselves even though we live in the same house.

"Xiumin" I heard Sehun threaten as he glared from across the room as I lifted my hands up in defense, not wanting any of them to be angry with me

"We aren't kids you know" (Y/N) complained annoyed as I gave her a goofy smile so she wouldn't be upset, smiling at me she sweetly punched my arm

"Everyone just finish what you're doing and then we'll all go get some rest" Suho announced as we all nodded

Finishing up what we where doing didn't take long. We have mastered putting the gun back together as well as firing them. As I was placing the gun where it belonged (Y/N) interlaced her fingers with mine tugging lightly for me to follow her.

I followed her happily as I knew she just wanted to talk to me. She always did this when she wanted us to talk alone, but almost every time we sneak off together we have only about 10 minutes before someone starts searching for us. To my surprise we ended up on the front porch of the house.

It was late out, the only light we had was the moon's. As I looked out at the woods around us bringing back memories of the past couple of days. Shaking the thoughts out of my head I went and sat next to her on the porch swing. She still hasn't said a word so I know something is on her mind.

We both stayed silent, laying back into the cushions of the swing. She laid her head on my shoulder as I placed my arm around, cuddling her. With my other hand I intertwined our fingers sighing in satisfaction.

Everything felt perfect with her like this. The night air was fresh on my skin but I didn't feel cold. Even the woods were quite and its felt like there was only us two here.

"I want to go on a date with you to Xiumin. I really do" I could hear the sadness in hear voice and I felt my heart ache "I'm really happy to have you, you know that right? I just wish we could do things normal couples do, instead were training to fight death and waiting for an attack" I squeezed her hand trying my best to comfort her.

"It'll be over soon love, and in the mean time as long as I have you by my side, safe and sound I'm happy" at my words she hugged me wrapping her arms around my torso. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my lips "We aren't like other couples (Y/N), and we probably never will be but I love us just the way we are" I admitted

"I love you Xiumin" I felt her head tilt up as she placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks after hearing her words, she loves me, (Y/N) loves me

"I love you too (Y/N)" I leaned my head down taking her lips into mine, kissing her gently so she would know I meant every single word

I can't believe after all this time, after how much she disliked me when we first met. She's here right now beside me, with here arms wrapped around me as my girlfriend.

No matter how many times I see her, she will always be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. She'll take my breath away each time and I'll never complain because she's all mine.

No matter how many times I hear her voice, her laughter, the sound of my name escape her lips, (Y/N) will always make my heart flutter.

No matter how many times I kiss her, the taste of her lips on my lips will always be the sweetest taste. She's everything I have ever wanted since the moment I fell in love with her.

I can't see myself spending the rest of my life with anybody else.


Here's the update I'm sorry for not posting it like two days ago. This time I wanted to focus on the romance between Xiumin and the reader, since I don't type much about it. I'll do my best to get better at it.

I will be leaving for Mexico tomorrow a family member of mine is ill. So my plan is to do a double update for you guys not this week but the next.

Thank you for always being patient with me and giving Soul so much love. Please stay with me and don't give up on this story okay? I'll be back as soon as I can, promise. Bye for now guys, thanks again. <3

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