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*(Y/N)'s POV*

    So much for sleep. Every time I close my eyes I relive it. That stupid reaper. That stupid stupid reaper.

     I opened my eyes but instantly regretted it, the sun is to bright. Once I could see the white ceiling clearly, I slowly sat up, flinching just a bit because of my shoulder. How long was I asleep? I took a look around the room and was shocked to look to my side.

     Xiumin was asleep. His head was resting on the back of his hands that were on the bed, while he was still sitting in the chair. His blonde hair was messier than usaul, and small snores escaped his lips. He looked a little funny. I tried to hold in my laugh.

      I didn't want to wake him up, even for a ghost he looked exhausted. I sat in my bed properly and let out a breath.

      Who ever thought I'd actually loose to some demon. If it didn't have those eyes I would have won. I would have easily killed it. I still can't believe that a reaper could make me act like that.

     But why did I cling to Xiumin. I could have sobbed into Kyung's shoulder, but why did I choose him. Well he was the one who snapped me out of it, and was in front of me at the time. Yeah, that's why.

     I smiled to myself, but why am I so happy it was his arms I broke down in.

Yah (Y/N) what are you thinking right now!

       "I'm back did you miss me?" Chen appeared out of no where shouting

      "Chen will you shush he's sleeping" I scolded as Xiumin stirred a bit in his sleep

     "Right-I'm sorry" he whispered

     "Why are you shouting anyways?" I asked

     "Thought you might want some breakfast since you didn't have dinner last night" last night? It already morning again!

     "What!" I shouted as Chen shushed me "How long have I been out?" I whispered

     "Well in total, since that night it's been about three maybe four days" he explained tapping his chin

     "Wow I've never been out this long" I scooted out of the bed standing up

      "and Xiumin hasn't left your side once" Chen raised his eyebrows looking towards Xiumin

     I grabbed one of the blankets that were placed over me and put it over his shoulders. He continued to sleep soundly and I smiled at him. His chubby cheeks were a bit pink. I reached over and moved some hair out of his eyes. Did I just-

     "I knew it" Chen whispered loudly while I quickly took my hand back. Chen kept smirking

     "Knew what?" I asked reaching for some clean clothes to change into

     "You got a thing for Xiumin" he wiggled his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes

     "You're being ridiculous. He's a ghost. Go grab my breakfast while I clean up" I said shaking my head at his comment

     "Sure whatever deny it but I know it's true" he mumbled as I motioned him to leave

     Once he was gone I looked towards Xiumin's sleeping figure. He never left my side, not once. I smiled and headed to the bathroom to clean up. Chen is crazy, I don't like him we just barley became friends and he's a ghost he isn't even alive.

     In the bathroom I removed the bandages I had on my shoulder. The wounds were already closed but it's going to leave a nasty scar. I moved my shoulder freely not in so much pain now.

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