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*Xiumin's POV*

      Her (H/C) hair was laying all around her, she was cuddled up with the blanket draped over her. Soft breaths escaped her lips and the sun shined on her sleeping figure, perfectly. She seems so peaceful.

     My cheek was resting on the back of my hands. I smiled slightly still tired from barely waking up.

     My eyes widened in realization once I figured out what I was doing. I was just admiring (Y/N) while she was sleeping. She was asleep and I was watching her while smiling. She is so pretty..

    I sat up quickly from my position running my hand through my hair. I sighed trying to figure out what I just did.

What I'm thinking right now?

     I looked at her sleeping again. I glanced around the room looking for the others but no one was in here. We're are the only two here.

     My heart began to race as turned my attention away from her. Before I could think about more I heard a small yawn coming from her. I instantly laid back down pretending to be asleep, I don't want her to think I was watching her.

     "What time is it?" I heard her whisper softly to herself "Oh I should probably wake him up" I heard noise from where she was getting up and shuffling towards me

    I slowed down my breathing and closed my eyes. My back was facing her while I faced the wall. What is happening with me lately?

     "Xiumin" She whispered touching my shoulder. I didn't move "Xiumin come on everyone else is awake" she whined I rolled over looking at her

     "I'm up" I groaned pretending to wake up, she gave me a soft little smile which I returned

     "Okay lets go" she said jumping down from where she was to reach me

      I instantly appeared right next to her to walk to the living room. She put on her shoes along with putting her hair up. She let a small yawn escape her lips, covering her mouth and headed towards the door.

      We walked side by side towards the living room. Everyone was there it looks like we were the last ones to wake up. They all watched us walk in and I nervously took a step away from her.

     "Wow, I was about to go wake you two up" Lay said plopping down on the floor where everyone else was gathered

     "So what's our next move?" (Y/N) asked placing her hands on her hips waiting for some one to answer

      "We were discussing a bit and I think we need to catch one of those things that attacked you or at least figure out who sent it" Jr explained she nodded as we both took a seat on the floor

     "So exactly how are we going to do that?" I asked curious

    "Well-um we are going to set a trap, well bait to be exact" I glanced at (Y/N) understanding what he meant. She is their main target

     "I'll do it. When?" She said quickly without a second thought, I looked at her a bit surprised with her answer. I thought she might get mad and say no to the plan

     "(Y/N) are you sure about this? We can figure something el-" She cut off Luhan who tried to change her decision

    "I'm sure." She paused "The last time I wasn't ready, and now I am, okay." She said sternly

    "Well I'm going with you" Chanyeol added at which she rolled her eyes

    "Guys really I can do this by my-" She tried to talk but got cut off

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