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*Xiumin's POV*

"Wake up, you know it's no fun to kill you if you're unconscious" the voice sounded far away but I know exactly who was talking, Death.

The pain I was feeling was unbearable, the broken ribs I had now included bruised pain. With all the energy I had left I opened my eyes. Instantly I searched for the others remembering Kris' scream in the woods.

My mind went to (Y/N) she's safe right. They wouldn't have attacked them right. She's with GOT7 they'll protect her, oh please (Y/N) be safe.

"Looking for your pitiful friends I see. There right here, look around" he pointed behind me

Grabbing my side I slid myself into a sitting position. I was in some sort of cell. I looked to see everyone in cells as well. We were in some kind of under ground prison. In front of me there was six cells. Only a few dull light bulbs lit the room.

I met eyes with Kyungsoo and Tao who where awake across from me side by side but it seemed the others where still passed out. Either in the other cells with them or beside mine. Death was in the center chuckling at us.

"Kyungsoo! Tao! Is everyone okay?" I shouted grabbing onto the steal bars with both hands "Lay and Chen, where are they! Where are Lay and Chen!" I instantly thought the worst, what if he already turned them into reapers

"We haven't seen them at all! It's just us" Tao shouted back as the blood drained out of my face

"Where are Chen and Lay you sick son of a-"

"I see those two pests mean a lot to you, if I would have known I would have killed them when I had a chance" Death clenched his fist. They made it out, that means they could go warn (Y/N) and the others

"You stay away from my friends or I swear I'll tear you to shreds you monster!" I threatened standing up

"Oh please what could you do in your state, but I'm curious, where's that new one at, Youngjae if I recall correctly , and (Y/N)" I instantly felt my blood begin to boil

"You stay away from my sister!" I heard Kyungsoo shout

"Shut it, who are you to tell me what to do" extending his hand towards Kyungsoo, he went flying hitting the wall behind him

"Kyungsoo!" Tao and I shouted, keeping my eyes on cell I tried to catch some sort of movement

"You humans are very strange, just like Satan you all are weak, almost worthless if it wasn't for those powers you hold" Death spit out

"You at not going to win, you'll never win against us" Tao shouted

"Stupid boy, I already have" He scoffed "But your in luck since I can't kill you all yet, I need (Y/N)'s powers too"

"I swear if you touch her!" I threatened

"You will what Xiumin, you're in a cell along with all your other stupid friends! You are going to die don't you understand you should be begging me to let you live" Death voice became colder and deadlier with each word

With out anther sound he was gone. We were left alone in the darkness as the lights began to dim, I sank to my knees because I knew where Death was going and I couldn't do anything to stop him. I hope Chen and Lay were able to warn them. I squinted in the room trying to catch a glimpse of the others.

"Guys! Guys!" I could hear Sehun shout at my side

"Where here Sehun" I said

"Is everyone here? Kyungsoo!" Sehun asked panicked

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