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*Xiumin's POV*

"How long till we find a car? This is taking forever" Whined Luhan kicking a rock angrily at my side

"Stop being a baby will you, we'll find one eventually so don't worry" Kris scolded patting his shoulder

"My shoulder still hurts you know" He added rolling his eyes limping a bit

"Luhan, please, I'm begging you, please, just shut up" Chanyeol sighed behind us

It's been like this since we left the building. Kyungsoo and Luhan had done their best and patched everyone up, then we left in search for a car. Kai and Luhan seemed to be the ones to gotten he most injuries so we tried to keep them in the middle of the group as we walked. When we left we ran into a reaper. Killing it easily,we knew we had to get going fast.

The reaper was most likely sent to look for us, once they noticed it hasn't returned they are going to send more. I was worried and on edge with a bad feeling in my stomach but I decided to ignore and keep my eyes open. We needed to focus and try our best to get out of here.

We continued to pass even more buildings with out any luck. I was starting to think this plan wasn't the best. Right when I was ready to give up, I did what I always did and thought about (Y/N). Her smile itself gives me hope, as her beautiful face flashed across my mind, Tao began to smack Baekhyun's shoulder to get his attention. We all turned before Baekhyun could hit him back, as Tao pointed down a road almost jumping up and down in excitement.

"Look, Look! A truck, there's one over there, I found it" He explained happily as we followed to where he was pointing.

There was a what seemed to be a single pick up truck down the street. It didn't appear to be in the best condition but it was the best we are going to find around here. We all quickly ran to where it was trying to be a bit cautious just in case. I leaned my head into the drivers side of the truck to look for the keys.

"Okay now, what? We need to start it some how?" Luhan said in a panic as I smiled

"No need, the keys are inside" I said tapping the glass as they all quickly sighed out in relief.

"Then what are we waiting for lets go!" Kyungsoo spoke up, hoping into the back of the bed of truck

"I'll drive!" Suho said raising his hand, he reached for the handle of the truck before I could stop him he hade already pulled the handle. The alarm of the truck began ringing through out the streets within a second.

Kyungsoo rushed and moved Suho out of the way, turning off the alarm as fast as he could but I knew it was to late. This alarm could be heard from miles away, the reapers must be headed here as we speak. Everyone had the same thing running through their heads as we all climbed onto the truck, ready to leave before they appeared.

Suho and Kris were in the cabin of the truck, while the rest of use where on the outside in the bed of the truck. We quickly sat Luhan and Kai in the middle, incase we do have to fight they wouldn't get affected.

I looked up at the roofs of the buildings and our surroundings waiting for an attack. As the truck began to move we could all hear the sound of hissing approaching us. Finally locating where the sound was coming from, my heart dropped seeing so many reapers begin to surround. Suho slammed on the gas pedal to get a distance from them.

Death must have had every reaper looking for us, it was an army of them, and they were headed our way in a rush. I felt the panic creep up my spine as I saw the faces of panic go onto everyone's faces. The reapers are to fast and are catching up quickly.

As I tried my best to think of something to do, since we all couldn't take on this many reapers without getting captured, it's impossible. I couldn't say word when a sudden bright light flashed in front of us. I squinted my eyes recognizing the sudden light. It has to be someone from GOT7 it has to be.

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