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*Xiumin's POV*

"I can't go any further" Baekhyun groaned collapsing on to the ground, Chanyeol rushed to help his brother clearly concerned but in pain like the rest of us

"He's right Kyungsoo we can't keep going on like this, we need to rest" Luhan spoke up leaning on Sehun for support

We were all now dragging our feet as we walked down an empty street. This town seemed to be deserted, we hadn't seen anything or anyone else since we escaped those reapers. It made us all more curious as to where we were.

"Let's check out this building here it looks empty and abandoned but not to the point it's going to collapse"  Kris explained placing an arm around me tired

"Okay let's check it out" Kyungsoo agreed taking the lead

Wiggling the rusted door handle was enough for the door to open. Dust flew around us as we all walked inside. We all quietly coughed worried about what we might find in here. The light from outside helped us look around, the place was empty.

"Let's take a look around before we let our guard down and rest" Kai added as we all began to look around "Maybe we can find something useful" He added

Although the building was empty it's filled with different rooms. Much to our disappointment we weren't finding anything useful for us. Slowly we all ended up back at were we started empty handed.

"Where's Tao and Suho?" Luhan asked

"Guys check it out we found some blankets and canned food in one of those rooms, there is still more stuff in there" Tao explained happily as Suho followed behind with a box of canned food

"I think this place used to be some type of shelter" Suho said in a questioning tone

"Well whatever this place used to be I'm grateful" Sehun explained grabbing himself a blanket and wrapping himself up, although we were inside the building it was cold

Taking a seat on the floor I didn't say a word. I was exhausted and still in pain from everything we had all gone through. I kept my head down fiddling with my fingers. The room was silent as everyone was busy with the thoughts in their own heads.

"Xiumin you're going to need your strength" Kyungsoo warned placing a can in front of me, I looked up giving him a small sad smile "I know you're worried about my sister, we all are but Chen and Lay must have already warned them"

I didn't say a word, I couldn't, I felt like there was no time in the world for me to tell him everything going through my head. What if (Y/N) didn't get away? What if she's back in the cells we were in earlier?

Worrying everyone else even more was something I didn't want to do. We were all sitting down in a small circle, Chanyeol was trying to get a fire going with the scrap wood floor boards he had found.

"I feel like a homeless person" Luhan sighed out eating what was inside the can he had opened

"We are homeless" Baekhyun said laughing placing blankets on everyone

"How are we going to find our way back?" I asked waiting for someone to speak up

If (Y/N) was able to leave before death even got to her she must be worried sick about us. I hate making her worry, I really want to see her again so I can hug her and tell her how I'll never leave her side again. Once we find them I'm never leaving her side again.

"Well since Lay and Chen managed to get away, I'm assuming they left the house in the woods. They have to be somewhere else now, but I have no idea where" Suho explained as we agreed with his theory. Trying to get back to the woods would be pointless

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