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*Xiumin's POV*

     "No he is not. Let's go." (Y/N) stormed away while the other seven boys gave me weird glances then followed her quickly

     I face palmed, of all the things I could have said. Why was the first that came to mind, boyfriend.  Now I know she is never going to help me, she probably hates me for sure now. I groaned at how stupid I am. I could have said friend, or cousin, long lost brother, but no I said boyfriend in front of her friends.

    "Did you really just do that?" Lay asked from behind me as I turned around, I made sure to make myself disappear before I get noticed by anyone "I can't believe you really just did that" he added

    "Don't remind me I know I messed up, okay" I muttered

    "Do you like her or something, why did you say you were her boyfriend" Lay began to snicker as I groaned once again

    "No, I don't okay I-I- just couldn't think of anything else okay" I huffed combing my hand through my hair

    "Yeah she is never going to talk to you again" He laughed as I glared at him

    "You know her, how do I fix this?" I pleaded

   "Honestly I have no idea, I guess just apologize. The only reason she still talks to Chen and I is because we hung around and annoyed her till she kinda just liked us." I nodded thinking about his words "Did you see those guys she was with, they have been following her around since they moved here, she is barely started to become their friend" Lay explained 

   "They seem close though and they seem really protective of her" I added on

  "I think they like her, and well yeah that's how (Y/N) is. She won't tell you she is your friend but instead she'll just let you get close to her." Lay said

  "Why do that?"

  "I don't know that's just how (Y/N) is, she doesn't like getting attached" I nodded looking to where she walked off to "Come on let's go, D.O said we could hang out at their house till they get out of school and meet us there"

   "Okay let's go"

   Within seconds we were in the living room. I took a seat and Lay did the same sitting next to me. He grabbed the remote and began to click through the channels. I began to drift into my thoughts.

   I need to figure out how to apologize and get her to forgive me. I just have a feeling that it's going to be the hardest thing I do. As I kept thinking my thoughts went towards the flashback I had yesterday. Do I really know all of them? But how is that even possible if they don't even know who I am.

   Soon enough time had flew by and everyone was going to show up any minute now. D.O said that we were all going to discuss the situation at hand. I was a bit nervous, but then again I was ready to finally figure what happened to me.

   "What's up guys" Chen cheered sitting down with us "What have you guys been doing all day?" He asked

   "Nothing much just watched T.V the whole time" Lay said motioning towards the T.V as Chen nodded

   "You guys should have seen it, I scared the teacher so bad. It was awesome" Chen laughed remembering what he did today, as Lay laughed along with him "Where is everyone? School is already out" He asked looking around the house

   "You know Suho he drives like a grandma" Lay snickered as Chen laughed, we turned our attention to the door as we hear the door knob being turned

   "Guys watch this" Chen smirked disappearing as we turned our attention to the group walking in, I let myself be seen, D.O waved at me with the others except for Chanyeol and Tao who ignored me. Those two really don't like me.

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