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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I looked into his eyes as are foreheads touched. The smile on his lips was one I've never seen before it was so happy and sweet. I took in every single one of his details, this doesn't feel real. His eyes sparkle so much that this feels like dream. I could still feel his lips on mine.

Xiumin kissed me, and I didn't stop him instead I kissed him back. I like him, but I hated him when we first met. I like him, I like Xiumin. One of his hands held me from my lower back pulling me close to him, with his free hand he reached up holding my cheek. Slowly he tucked some of my loose hair behind my ear. I still couldn't bring myself to say anything.

He really likes me, this is all so new to me. This is my first everything, first kiss, first love and I feel so different. He leaned up gently placing a soft kiss on my forehead. His lips felt so soft and sweet so full of love.

"I like you too" I whispered not looking at him in the eyes instead I looked to stars above us

He grinned showing his perfect smile then wrapped both of his arms around me hugging me tightly. His head was tucked sweetly into my shoulder as he didn't let go. I could feel my heart racing faster then ever before, my mind blank as the only thing I could think of was him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked pulling away and looking at me, I nodded smiling

His soft lips once again quickly captured mine and it's as if I couldn't breath. My body felt numb as the only feeling I had was on my lips. I heard a small laugh escape his lips as he stopped kissing me. Standing up he extended his hand towards me. I didn't even realize we were both still sitting on the floor.

I took his hand as his free hand reached for my other hand. I looked up at Xiumin not believing what just happend. He's my boyfriend, Xiumin is my boyfriend. What is Kyungsoo going to say? Before I could think about more a bright light blinded me as a car honked.

Still holding hands with Xiumin I lifted my other free hand to block the light. I could hear the car doors opening but couldn't see anything.

"I would appreciate it if you got your dirty hands of my sister" I gulped freezing in my spot as I heard Sehun's words

"Sehun I-" he cut me off grabing my other hand and yanking me away from Xiumin

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sehun threatened "I should just-" as he took a step forward

"I like (Y/N)" he paused as everyone's jaws dropped "she accepted being my girlfriend and I will protect her at all costs. I mean that Sehun" Xiumin sternly said as my heart dropped

"You what! Kyungsoo do something!" Sehun waved his arms hysterically and shaking me by the shoulders violently

"Sehun. Stop." Kyungsoo placed a hand on Sehun's shoulder making him stop as the group began to gather around including JB and Mark from inside

"Did we miss something?" Mark questioned

"(Y/N), let's go talk" Kyungsoo took me by the wrist guiding me away from the group "You to Sehun" Kyungsoo directed

Kyungsoo guided us inside towards Suho's library to talk. The rest of the group followed us inside but stayed in the living room keeping an eye on Xiumin. He seemed nervous as we made eye contact one last time before Sehun closed the door. I really didn't think Kyungsoo and Sehun would react like this.

"Sit" Kyungsoo brought me out of my thoughts by pointing at a seat in front of him and Sehun who stood with their arms crossed.

"Look this isn't a big deal, we have bigger things to be focused on, the box that Xiumin brought-" I tried to stand up from my seat as they both pushed me back down "Kyungie"

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