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*Y/N's POV*

Years Later...

The sunlight hit my face. Why do I always forget to close the blinds, yawning I rolled over in bed patting the space next to me.

I should be used to it now. Empty. I wake up everything morning hoping he's still next me, but every morning it's the same. I sighed. I don't think the day will come when I'm used to this.

I sat up in bed looking out the blinds. It's nice today.

I try not to think about that day, because that day is in the past. The day we finally defeated Death. We won but still at what cost.

I lost Jimin that day, he was still just a baby. He took a hit that was meant for me, to protect me. The feeling of his small figure disappearing in my arms is still fresh in my mind. I gulped down the knot forming in my throat, he wouldn't want me still crying over him. I can see his small lips forming into a pout at my frown in my head.

I miss him.

The angels, they got their wings that day too. It was to many goodbyes in one day. I remember Youngjae's half hearted smile how he tried to smile and laugh to lighten the mood. Jackson smiling but crying while he said goodbye to each one of us. Mark telling me to cheer up to keep my head up. Jinyoung telling us thank you. How Jaebum stayed silent as he hugged us how he quietly whispered in my ear to take care. BamBam and Yugyeom begging him to stay longer, but they had strict orders to go back. They both promised to return as they hugged me telling me not to skip meals as my tears soaked their torn clothes.

They did, they both showed up one day out of the blue with huge grins plastered on their faces with huge white wings on their backs. I couldn't stop smiling that day when they told me Jimin was reunited with his real mother. His mother had told them to tell me thank you for taking such good care of her baby boy. They said our parents wanted us to know they were so proud of us.

We all healed slowly after that day, it took a lot of time. It was finally over so we just had no other choice than to move on.

Kyungsoo decided to finish his education and became chef. Ah my Kyungie I'm so proud of him. When he visits I get the best cooked meals imaginable.

Sehun, Tao, Kai and Luhan decided to travel with their new freedom. They did the classic getting an RV and hitting every tourist spot. Their postcards always make me smile, it's feels like yesterday when we would pick them up to go to school. I miss those dorks so much.

Suho became a doctor. He actually owns his own hospital helping so many people around the world that are in need. It was Lay's idea, he helps him out at the hospital. They drop by once in awhile when they are free.

Chen, Chanyeol and Kris stayed in the ghost fighting business. They come by the house a lot bringing some ghost for me to help with. Or other times they show up to brag about their latest match and tell me their wild stories. Something never change I suppose.

Baekhyun went to college to become a photographer. His work is known all around the world. He hit it big and his face times are always heart warming. It's crazy to see how he has matured so much.

Everything finally seemed normal.

And Xiumin...

The pain I felt that day was unbearable. I still remembering screaming out his name when I saw Death go through the hole reaching out and grabbing him. Taking him down too. I saw my life end just when we were going to start fresh.

I stood up from the bed, putting on my slippers making my way down the staircase. Picture frames hanging on the walls. Each one feeling like they were taking ages ago. Graduations, road trips, birthday parties, weddings all in the past now. Just like that day.

Making my way towards the kitchen I smiled like did every morning. Once I saw the kitchen light on.

"Oh (Y/N) you're up" I smiled hearing his voice "You left the blinds open again didn't you?" I nodded

Every morning it's the same. I wake up alone in bed. I think about that awful day. Then I make my way downstairs where he's humming away while making breakfast for us. His smile taking away all my pain and worries away.

I wish I could forget that horrible day.

I love Xiumin, so much. Thankfully I'm starting to forget that day because of him.

Every morning I hear his voice, hear my name leave his lips. All my troubles wash away.

I'm grateful every single day for not losing him that day.

"Good Morning" I smiled wrapping my arms around him kissing his cheek

"Good Morning Sweetheart" he replied kissing my forehead

"Mommy" I grinned ear to ear turning my attention to the high chair sitting at the end of the table.

He chubby cheeks squished up around his eyes as he smiled. He had Xiumin's eyes, with each day that goes by my baby boy was looking more and more like his father. He extended out his hands towards me huffing in his seat. He's growing up so fast. He'll be walking soon enough.

"Jimin" I whispered picking him in my arms then going back to Xiumin's side.

"I love you" Xiumin whispered kissing me softly then pinching Jimin's cheeks causing him to giggle

"I love you more" I answered

We went through so much to get where we are today. Through all the pain all the suffering, no matter how much it hurt when it happened I wouldn't change a thing, because without all that I wouldn't be where I am now.

With a healthy baby boy, the man that I love with my whole being at my side, there's nothing more I could ask for. I'm finally normal..well almost I thought as Jimin played with the ghost baby kitten that decided to join us for breakfast.

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