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*Xiumin's POV*

      "What the hell did that thing do to her!" Kyungsoo shouted hitting the wall in front of him

     (Y/N) was lying in her single bed, we were all gathered around her. Lay was constantly checking her pulse and her temperature. I nervously paced back fourth looking at her pale face.

     Everyone was in panic not really knowing what to do but wait. We had been waiting for a while, it's already morning again. I haven't been able to leave the room along with Kyungsoo and Sehun.

     She had passed out in my arms on the way here. (Y/N) lost a lot of blood from her injury on her shoulder. Lay was able to patch her up quickly but she still hasn't waken up. Everyone has explained that she has gotten worse injures, they don't understand why she acted the way she did.

     She was shaking. She was crying. She was so scared and was clinging on to me for dear life. I never once imagined something like this could happen to her. She is so damn strong and confident, she could easily take on a whole army. Why her? Her blood was still fresh on my clothes.

I still can feel her arms wrapped around me as she cried onto my shoulder..

      "Xiumin!" I glanced towards Luhan "Are you alright? Didn't you hear me calling your name" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder

      "Uh yeah, what's up" I asked

      "Have you ever seen something like this before?" I shook my head "Anyone? We need something to go off on" He glanced around the room pleading

      "I've heard of this type of thing only once" Jr explained taking a step forward

      "What do you know?" Tao asked as we all went quite waiting for Jr to continue

      "They are called reapers." He paused "I wasn't sure if it was one or not the first time we fought it, I've never seen one before, but I got a glance of it eyes they are blood shot red but with no pupil. It's shaped like a person and as fast as a shadow. (Y/N) explained it more to me and seeing her condition now I know it's a reaper." He let out a breath

      "Her condition, what do you mean by that" Kai asked

      "(Y/N) doesn't get scared, she doesn't scream or cry, if anything she acts the opposite, reapers use their eyes to mess with people brains. They feed of people's fear, they kill using what people fear the most." He ran his hand through his hair

     "Reapers" I whispered, I felt a stinging pain in my head but ignored it

     "Guys! Guys!" Lay got everyone's attention, we all quickly gathered closer around (Y/N)'s bed.

      Her eyes shut tightly and then they weakly fluttered open. She didn't move at all but her eyes glanced around the room. Kyungsoo was quickly by her side and grabbed her hand in his. Her eyebrows farrowed in confusion.

      "Did you catch it" She choked out looking around, she tried to sit up, Chanyeol helped her

     "No" he dropped his head, Suho reassuringly placed a hand on his shoulder

     "Why did I act like that" She asked touching her head in pain "I had no control of myself"

      "It's called a reaper. It's what they do, they mess with your brain to scare you beyond your breaking point" Jr explained as she slightly nodded "It feeds off that"

     "What now, what are we supposed to do now. We need to go after it" She said angry, she tried to move to stand up but flinched from her shoulder injury

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