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*Xiumin's POV*

    "Wait you are telling me that the only way we can kill this thing is by slitting it's throat without us looking it in the eyes" Kris complained "How do we do that?" He asked waving his arms

    "Well um-" Youngjae stuttered out

    We were all sitting around on the floor as the GOT7 group was writing down eveything they have learned. We were all listening intently I felt like I was in a class.

    "Kris it's called training" (Y/N) said sarcastically as Kris glared at her

   "She is right though, all we can do is train" JB explained

     "When are we going to go back out there to face it?" Kai asked

    "Soon" Suho said sternly "So everyone work hard"

    Everyone nodded and went back to what they were doing before. I followed Lay and Chen back to the corner we were at before. We were practicing throwing knives at a target and I've mastered the skill pretty easy. Chen was struggling a bit with it but he's managing.

    "Xiumin how are you so good at this?" Chen whined as I smiled at him

    "How about you come join me" Luhan wrapped an arm around my shoulder "I need someone to against my amazing skills" He added as Tao laughed

    "Skills" Tao laughed

    "Uh sure" I nodded following him

    We headed to the other end of the room walking by the others who were busy practicing. Kyungsoo was going against Chanyeol and winning. Most of the others were lifting to get stronger, and working on their own skills.

    We passed by (Y/N) who was busy training hard. She was currently going against a punching bag. She was wad punching and kicking it hard. Sweat was dripping down to her chin as she breathed hard, I couldn't help but stare. She's amazing

    "Xiumin hey" Luhan waved in front of my face as I turned my attention towards him

    "Yeah" I asked as he took position in front of me

    "Attack me" he motioning his hands for me to come towards him "don't worry you won't hurt me I'm stronger then I look" he smirked

    Instead of jumping at him I reappeared behind him and kicked out the bottom of his legs. He fell to the floor. Before he could do anything I twisted his hand pulling it towards me. He struggled to get back up but I had a good hold on him. With his other free hand he hit the floor signaling me to stop. I let go and helped him up.

    "You're to fast" Luhan breathed out "You should try to go against (Y/N) she'd be a better match" he said pointing at her "(Y/N)!" she stopped what she was doing and jogged over to us

    "What's up" she said wiping the sweat off her forhead

    "You should go against Xiumin, he's pretty fast and I mean, like reaper fast" he explained as I looked towards the floor

    "You can be the reaper then" She smiled at me as I nodded

    "Guys" Luhan motioned the others to gather around again to watch and they did

    "Okay (Y/N) just don't look at him in the eyes and here" JB tossed her a marker "use this as your weapon and slit his throat" I gulped a bit

    "Don't hold back okay Xiumin we have to make this real" I nodded and got into position

    I appeared in front of her in a second searching for her eyes. She ducked her head jumping back. I didn't think twice and appeared behind her knocking her down to the floor. Don't hold back.

    I hesitated when I saw Sehun trying to step in but Kyungsoo didn't allow it. She told me to though. I climbed on top of her pinning both her hands above her head. (Y/N) looked away from me avoiding my eyes. I grabbed both her hands with one of mine bringing my other hand under her chin.

    I could feel something bubbling inside me but it wasn't adrenalin. My head began to pound and I started getting a splitting headache but I didn't stop. I moved her head to were she was looking right at me but her eyes were closed. I leaned closer to her face to the point where I could feel her breath on my face.

    She stopped moving underneath me and didn't move, but neither did I. She tried to move her face but I had her gripped tightly. You're hurting her.

    "That's enough Xiumin!" Baekhyun shouted but I couldn't hear him all I could see was her

    I hissed in pain when I felt her nails dig into my wrist, I let go of her hands and she flipped me putting the marker to my throat. Her face was centimeters from mine as her (E/C) eyes stared into mine.

    I felt my whole body go numb as she kept leaning closer and closer towards me. Everything that I felt before suddenly stopped.

    "(Y/N) you loose." Kyungsoo said she broke her eye contact with me as I let out a breath I was holding

    "But I slit his throat" she said lifting up the marker as all the others started speechless

    "And looked into his eyes so you loose" he interrupted

    I reappered on the other side of the room away from everyone. I meant to just reappear standing up but why am I over here?

    "Xiumin?" Chen called my name in confusion

    I clutched my head as it pounded harder than before. My whole body began to ache as I looked at my hand. It was gone for a second then came back. I fell to the floor in shock. It hurts, it hurts. I shouted in pain as Lay appeared beside me.

(Y/N) smiled from across the coffee shop smiling at me. She left the shop without looking back. I'm just a stranger right now after all. I'll see her again I'm here for her anyways. I looked at the files infront of me.

I know everything about them. They just don't know about me yet. My mom would be so happy to know I found her.

It took me a long time but I finally found them, I need to tell them everything I know. He's back.

It was dark when I was heading to there house to finally introduce myself. To tell them we are all connected by our parents, that we may be next. I was almost there when it attacked me... a reaper.

I didn't die though. I lived. I'm alive.

    "Xiumin! Xiumin!" I jumped up from my spot looking around the room "Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked, I blinked my eyes stareing at her

    "I know you" I pointed at her "I remember you!" I said gripping my head "I know all of you" I explained

    Before I could say anything else my body stopped as I lost consciousness. Why does it hurt so much?

How is everyone these days? I hope you're enjoying the story so far! ^^ Like always leave a comment and this time I want to learn more about you guys so who's your bias? Bias wrecker? Im just curious:)
Im XiuSoo 100% but Lay is my bias wrecker love to hear yours!
Bye bye for now~

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