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*(Y/N)'s POV*

We still haven't heard anything. I've been waiting for what felt like years for Xiumin along with everyone else to burst through the door. I'm sick to my stomach over the fact that we can't find a trace of them. They can't still be with Death right? or worse..no that's impossible.

"(Y/N) please you need to eat" Mark insisted pushing my full plate towards me with worry in his face

"Oh uh yeah" I said taking my fork and picking at my food, putting a small portion into my mouth

Even food didn't have a special taste. Everything was dull and empty without them here.

"(Y/N) don't just pick at it, you need to eat" Jackson scolded me eating a mouthful of his food

"I'm not really hungry" I said slightly pushing the plate away from me

"You said that already, (Y/N) you need to eat. You're not getting up from this table until you finish that plate of food" Jr added clearly concerned and upset with my actions

I know what I'm doing right now isn't smart. I should be eating and constantly be ready for an attack but instead I've been staring out the window and ignoring everything. They guys are going to scold me once they return. Jimin stared at me from Youngjae's arms seeing my face of disgust towards the food.

"Momm-mommy" He stuttered out, I lifted my head to look at him and saw he had a look of confusion. He looked up at Youngjae motioning him to get some food on a fork then looked at me "Airplane?" He said in a questioning tone tilting his head sideways holding on to Youngjae's arm

We all couldn't help the smiles that spread on our lips to his cute idea. I finally smiled after a long time all thanks to Jimin. I stood up and picked him up from Youngjae's arms and walked with him back to my seat in the living room pointed at the window.

The others watched me with scolded faces as I left the table, not eating anything once again. JB along with Yugyeom and Bam Bam were out trying to see if they could find anything on where the guys could be. I really hope today is the day that they all come home.

"You are such a cutie you know that?" I said softly pinching one Jimin's his chubby cheeks distracting myself

 "I wuv you mommy" He giggled out hugging me tightly

"I love you to Jimin" I whispered back barely loud enough for him to hear me

"Why you sad mommy?" He asked sticking out his bottom lip in a pout form

"I'm okay don't worry" I assured him but he shook his head no

"Why" He asked again tugging at my hand for me to answer

"Jimin" I said in a pleading tone for him to stop

He seemed to understand and instead laid his down my shoulder hugging me tightly. At a time like this his small hugs really helped me. They made me feel better but even so, it didn't take all the pain and worry away. I wanted to see them.

"(Y/N)" I turned to the sound of my name and saw Youngjae looking at me with a mixture of happiness and sadness from the door way

"What is it Youngjae?" I asked confused

"We found them" He said softly

I shot out from my seat with Jimin in my arms rushing towards him. They found them, are they okay? Where are they, I turned myself facing every corner of the room looking for them to walk out unharmed. We are going to be a whole family again.

"Where are they?" I asked quickly as he quietly reached for Jimin taking him out of my arms "Where, Where are they?" I asked  trying to catch his eyes as he gulped

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