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*(Y/N)'s POV*

It was finally morning, and I was going to sleep after seeing the guys off into the woods but I just couldn't sleep. After Xiumin had kissed me goodbye I felt uneasy. For my own sake I decided not to worry. They can handle them selves, they said they'll be safe and I believe them.

 I think the GOT7 boys were thinking the same thing as me, since they haven't left my side since I came back in. We all have been silently watched the TV as the sun continued to rise.

I considered making breakfast, but I just have no cooking skills compared to Kyungsoo. Even Sehun cooks better than me. Maybe Jr could cook something, I've never seen him cook but maybe he can.

"I'm hungry" Jackson whined as I rolled my eyes, I was wondering when someone was going to say something

"Go get us some food Jackson" Yugyeom commanded

"Wait why do I have to go?" he asked shocked

"Cause you spoke first" Yugyeom argued

"(Y/N) tell them something" he whined tugging at my arm beside me

"Mommy" I turned to see Jimin walking out of the my room

He had both his small hands rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His fluffy hair was all messed up from his toss and turning in his sleep. His little feet softly moved on the floor towards where we were all sitting.

I quickly stood up from where I was sitting beside Jackson and scooped him up off the floor. Jimin yawned and wrapped his small arms around my neck giving me a quick hug then pulled away staring at me.

"How did you sleep Jimin?" I asked as I felt GOT7's eyes on us

"Good mommy, I miss you" He smiled wide showing his teeth and then softly placed both his hand on my cheeks squishing my face together giggling

"Are you hungry?" I asked smiling at him

"Mmhm" He said kissing my forehead

I froze for a second in my spot since it's the first time Jimin has shown this type of affection towards me. I heard the guys gasp in their seats seeing my reaction. Being called mommy all the time takes a while to get used to but this is something completely new. It's cute.

"Jackson go get us some food" I said smiling down at Jimin without a second thought

"Ha! Now you have to go" Bam Bam pointed at shocked Jackson


"Pwease Jackshon" Jimin begged from where he was still in arms. I slowly placed him on the floor and he quickly went to his side holding onto his arm giving him a big smile and puppy dog eyes

"Okay okay I'm going, stop looking at me with those eyes kid" Jackson said defeated standing up and getting ready to disappear "I'll be back in second, but I'm bringing what I want to eat, no one has a say" He threatened finally disappearing

"He sure talks a lot" JB complained while laughing  as we all joined in

"Come on Jimin let's go wash up to eat breakfast together" I said extending my hand towards him which he gladly took  

We all went to wash up, waiting for Jackson to appear back from wherever he went. Jimin was smiling and giggling the whole time which made me smile.

I decided to change my clothes, and get ready for the day. I don't know when all the guys will be back. Chanyeol mentioned dinner so I think around dinner time. I smiled realizing that I would be seeing Xiumin soon. I missed him already.

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