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*(Y/N)'s POV*

    The ride back to Suho's was strange. I was relived that Xiumin was okay now, but the way I was feeling was different. I looked towards Xiumin who sat beside me in the back, he was looking out the window, staring off into the sky.

    He lifted his hand up in front of his face, examining his long fingers and ever detail in his hands. His blonde hair seemed longer now for some reason as it covered more of his face coming close above his eyes. He seemed thinner too, a jawline is clear but his cheeks are still chubby.

He's really handsome

    I wonder what he is feeling right now? I'm worried about him, I mean I have been worried about him and he's all I can think about. I didn't realize I was still looking at him till his eyes suddenly met mine.

    He gave me a small smile, which I returned but I never realized the butterflies I got in my stomach because of him. I looked away as my thoughts began to run. He has been making my heart race a lot more lately. It's nothing like the feeling I have ever had.

    "(Y/N)!" I blinked looking around surprised realizing we had already arrived "I missed you it was so boring without you" BamBam whined pulling at my hand as I rolled my eyes stepping out of van

    "BamBam I wasn't even gone for long" I said laughing a bit

    "Finally!" Out of no where I felt many arms wrap around me as the air was knocked out of my lungs "We missed you!" I tried my best not to fall, confused because I had no idea who was hugging me

    "Off-ff" I mumbled wiggling in their grasp

     Fixing my clothes and taking a step back I looked at the ones who had attacked me. In front of me stood the most hyper ones of the whole bunch. Along with BamBam stood Jackson, Baekhyun, Tao and Chanyeol. I combed my fingers through my hair in annoyance.

    "Didn't you miss us?" Baekhyun smiled poking my shoulder

    "Actually I-" before I could finish my sentence Kris wrapped and arm around my shoulder

    "The only person she missed was me, now come on (Y/N) lets get Kyungsoo to make us something to eat" I laughed as the others mouths dropped open as Kris pulled me towards the front door "Don't think I forgot about you" Kris wrapped an arm around Xiumin pulling him with us

   "What about us?" Jackson whined, following behind with his head hung

   "Kyungie where home" I sang as he came out of no where glaring at me

    "I told you to stop calling me that" He said clearly annoyed with me as Kris and Xiumin laughed beside me

    "I'm hungry" I smiled leaning on the counter

    "Well you should have thought about that before you called me Kyungie" He warned me as I groaned knowing he wasn't going to make me anything to eat

    "I'll make you something" Mark leaned beside me smiling

    "Really?" I said happily as he nodded grinning

    "Come on you have to help me though" He laughed taking my hand and pulling me towards the stove

    As he pulled me towards the stove I looked back to see Xiumin unhappy. He seemed to be glaring at Mark who still held my hand. Hm what's up with him. He was fine on the way here. I shook the thought off, as Mark got my attention.

    "What do you want to eat? I can make you my special ramen. It's delicious I promise" He explained as I nodded excited

    I haven't really eaten anything since what happened to Xiumin. I've been worried sick about him. He's probably as hungry as I am. I looked back to where he was sitting and he was gone. I wonder where he went.

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