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*Xiumin's POV*

"So sending him back to hell, how exactly do we plan on doing that?" Baekhyun finally spoke up saying what was on everyone's mind

"What does he even look like?" Luhan added

"We don't even have an idea how many reapers we have to go up against either" BamBam explained as we nodded

After getting all the information from GOT7 we have just been thinking about what our next move is. A lot of us want to attack right away but then again even if we attack now, what we'll be facing is unknown.

I looked at (Y/N) who was at my side silently listening which is unlike her. Usually she has something to say when it comes to the plan.

Instead she was looking at Jimin while he slept on her chest. She was softly playing with his hair and had one hand securely placed on his small back. It's a side of (Y/N) I've never seen before and I like it.

I always love seeing sides of her that she doesn't show to the others. Since we started dating I've been able to see her cute and playful side which she hardly shows. Ever time I learn more about her the more I fall for her.

She'd be such a good mother I thought to myself as I smiled at her but she ignored me, I was starting to get a bit jealous of Jimin. He's been getting her full attention while I'm sitting right next to her.

I silently pouted to myself as Chen pointed my way and silently laughed. I glared at him from across the room and I really wanted to throw something at him. 

The conversation kept going about the plan as everyone added something in here and there. Silently without a word (Y/N) stood up and started walking away.

"Babe where are you going?" I questioned as I looked at her

"I'm going to lay down Jimin" she said finally talking and walked towards her room

I decided to follow her and see what she thought we should do. When I walked into her room, Jimin was already laying on her bed as she sat beside him. Softly stroking his hair down.

"I'm worried" (Y/N) whispered softly "and I'm so furious at the same time Xiu, those Reapers are ghost, lost ghost" she added patting a space beside her

"What do you think we should do?" I asked taking a seat beside her and wrapping an arm around her

"I think we should attack now, we could loose our chance if we wait any longer"

"Then lets go tell the others and see what they say" I said

"But what if there are to many reapers, what if we don't even find Death?" she questioned

"(Y/N) there are a lot of things that could go wrong but we have to try before Death suddenly gets the upper hand on us" she nodded agreeing with me

"What about Jimin?" placing a blanket over him I took her hand and walked us out of the door

"I'll tell you what, how about we go find the entrance for now and then we'll talk to the others and see what where going to do about Jimin" I smiled as she returned the same sweet smile

Making our way back to where everyone was we took our seats once again. It's seems that when we left it didn't even faze them. They were still discussing without pause

"Why don't some of us search for the entrance for now" I spoke up as everyone went quiet thinking about it

"Then we'll see what to do next" (Y/N) added

"I like that plan" Kai said agreeing as others nodded

"How about the kid?" Kris asked pointing at the room Jimin slept in

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