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*Xiumin's POV*

    (Y/N) looked at me shocked along with the rest of her friends. They seemed extremly confused and frustrasted. Chen looked at me wide eyed as well. I know he had told me to wait so he could introduce me but I really wanted to see (Y/N). I needed to find out if I can remember her in any way.

    "What do you mean! How can we see you and can't see Chen or Lay?" The one with the large ears asked me staring at me wide eyed clearly annoyed with me

    "Can't you show yourself to them, I've been able to that ever since I woke up like this" Chen shook his head no along with Lay "Really? huh that's strange that's why I'm confused on the fact she saw me because I wasn't letting myself be seen" I said staring at (Y/N)

     "This is weird, I have never heard of a ghost that's able to do that. Who are you?" one with tanner skin than the rest asked taking a step towards me

    "Like I said my name is Xiumin and I need (Y/N)'s help. I don't remember how I died or anything other than my own name" I explained sticking my hand out for him to shake, before he touched my hand (Y/N) spoke up

    "Look Xiumin it's nice meeting you and all but if your looking for my help, D.O can help you instead. Now everyone out of my room." I looked at her shocked. She's really not going to help me?

     Chen looked towards me and signaled me to follow him. I took one last look at (Y/N), before following Chen to what seemed to be the living room of the house.

    My mood changed greatly and I felt sadder than before. Why doesn't she want to help me? I thought quietly to myself, Chen floated along side Lay over the top of the T.V. I took a seat on one of the single couches and looked around, waiting for Chen's friends to come downstairs.

    I looked around the living room and it seemed friendly. There are four single couches, two on wide side of the room and the other on the other side. In the middle there was one long big couch that could fit a good amount of people. There was a center table and they all faced towards the big screen T.V. there were a couple frames hanging here and there. I stood up to take a look at them.

     In one frame was a picture of (Y/N) she was walking while looking at the camera. Her (H/L) hair was blowing in the wind, she had a very big smile plastered on her face. She is really pretty, but this happy (Y/N) seemed a lot different then the one I just met. In anther frame she stood with two other boys her arms wrapped around their necks. Brothers I assume. In the last frame she stood with all the guys I had just seen around her they were all smiling happily in front of what looked like a abandoned building. It looked like they had just been through a fight. I wonder why their isn't any pictures of her parents..

    Chen's friends began to come in and I took a seat on the couch I was at before. They all glanced at me as they sat down. I looked towards the door expecting (Y/N) to walk in following behind but my face soon fell when she didn't come through the door.

    "I want to apologize for my twin sister" One with big eyes spoke up. I was right brother he was in the picture with her, but twins I didn't see that coming "She doesn't really like doing these type of things anymore since well I-um I'm D.O and I can help you along with the rest of my friends" I nodded towards him. I decided not to push on the fact I was only looking for her help and not theirs and kept quiet as they all began to introduce themselves

    "I'm Sehun, D.O and (Y/N)'s younger brother. We can see ghosts, unlike them I can turn my power on or off if that makes sense" That explains how she was able to see me back at the school

     "I'm Kris and this is my younger brother Tao" I nodded "We can see the future by visions" he added as Tao avoided looking at me. What does he mean by see the future, I looked towards Chen's for an explanation but he just eyed me like 'just listen' so I did

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