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*(Y/N)'s POV*

     Before I could even blink Chanyeol and Mark were no longer on my sides. I gasped but instantly reached for my knife. What the hell is going on? I was right next to them just a second ago.

      I took in my surroundings, I was in some type of ally. It was dark, darker than all the other allys, only a single old light was above me. I looked towards the roofs of the tall buildings trying to see my brothers. I couldn't see them any where. They are suppose to be right behind me.

     "Chanyeol?" I whispered "Kyungsoo? Guys? Where are you?" I asked aloud

      The hairs on the back of my neck instantly stood up as I felt a chill go down my spine. I spun around with the knife in my hand ready to attack.

      It's red blood shot eyes stared straight into mine as it hissed towards me. I leaped for it, there is no way this thing is getting away from me. I landed on the cold floor with a thud my knees crashed into the ground making me flinch. I ended up on my hands and knees. This thing is fast, to fast.

It's like if it was a shadow

      I tried to stand up but my body froze. I felt my throat begin to close as my ability to breath became difficult. I couldn't even move my fingers. What the hell is this? I could feel a hand being placed on my shoulder, claws began to sink in. I could see my own blood hit the floor underneath me, I hissed in pain but no noise escaped my lips.

      It shoved me over and all I could see was the dark sky and the single light bulb above me, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't move a muscle. It's blood shot eyes looked into mine as it leaned over me looking down at me. I could feel the anger boiling inside me as I knew this thing had the upper hand.

      It began to smirk and smile down at me. Its teeth were sharp as the thing licked it lips. I started to panic, I can't beat this thing if it has me paralyzed like this. I'm going to lose.

      It's eyes once red turned white, it began to glare into my eyes. Before I could even think of anything to do I felt myself begin to scream. I was screaming with all my heart. My throat was burning from how hard I'm screaming, I could feel the tears began to spill out of my eyes, as it stayed above me watching my reaction. What is this thing doing to me?

Kyungsoo held my small hand tightly as my mom gripped onto baby Sehun. I could see my dad watching us through the driver's rear view mirror. I happily smiled at him as Kyungsoo giggled on my side, I was happy.

"Mommy where are we going ?" I asked confused

"To a better place sweetie" She hummed giving my father a nervous glance

"Can I hold Sehun?" Kyungsoo asked sticking out his small arms

"Of course honey." She handed Sehun to Kyungsoo who clutched him tightly to his chest. He never let go of my hand, I reached over and Sehun's little hand clutched onto my finger. His little eyes fluttered open as he smiled at me.

A bright light made me close my eyes. Kyungsoo and Sehun let go of me and I began to scream and cry in fear, I shouted for them, shouted for my parents. I could hear my moms screams filled with pure fear as mine joined hers.

     "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Someone shouted my name as they shook my shoulders, I could feel my body shaking violently in fear, not that night. I closed my eyes tightly trying to forget "Were here, you're safe! Please snap out of it" I could feel my hot tears streaming down my face and that's when it hit me. I'm still screaming.

      I stopped and opened my eyes and Xiumin was kneeled in front of me, his eyes were full of concern. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. What's happening to me? I tried to control my breathing that was diffuclt. I held on to him tightly not wanting to let go, my heart thumped quickly in my chest. I've never been this scared before.

      "Kyun-Kyungsoo an-and Se-Sehun they let go, the light-" I tried to speak but my words were a mess. I tried my best to swallow the knot that wouldn't leave my throat.

      "Shhh it's okay (Y/N), calm down" I felt him rub my back gently as I clutched on to his clothes tightly, closing my eyes

     "What happend?" I heard D.O ask "Where did it go?" I didn't look up from where my face was hidden

     "It disappeared as soon as it saw us" Mark explained, I could hear the footsteps of the others gathering around "We couldn't catch it"

     "Sis?" Sehun whispered "Are you okay?" I gripped onto Xiumin tighter. I couldn't bring myself to speak my throat was stinging in pain.

      "It did something to her" Xiumin explained "We need to get her home now. It hurt her shoulder, she still bleeding." I forgot about that, but I can't feel anything right now.

    "Here let me take her" Kris reached for me, but I flinched away from him in fear

     "I got her, let's just get out of here before that thing comes back" Xiumin said as the rest agreed

     I felt him pick me up bridal style, the cold air hit against me. I kept my face hidden and eyes closed. I didn't have the will to speak or to even open my eyes. I'm a mess all because of that thing. I've never faced a demon like that.

    Once in the van I could hear all of them bickering. I could feel Xiumin's breaths on me. After I finally got my breathing under control, I felt my body go weak. I felt drained as if I had no more energy. My grip on Xiumin loosened as my head got heavy.

    "(Y/N) are you alright?" I heard Xiumin whisper. My hands fell as my body went weak. His voice sounded so far away "Lay. Lay! Something is wrong she's getting paler" He panicked concerned

    "She's loosing to much blood! Suho faster!" Lay shouted

    "Sis!" Sehun grabbed my hand

   "I-I'm scared" I stuttered

    The blackness engulfed without me fighting back. I couldn't fight back I had no energy left. I actually welcomed the blackness, I need to rest. I don't want to feel this anymore, it's to much.

    "(Y/N)! Stay with me!" Kyungsoo shouted

To a better place sweetie..

    I could hear my moms voice in my head. It was so desperately welcoming that all I could do was smile.

    Why me?


Comment and tell me what you think of the story so far please! Be well everyone :)

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