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*(Y/N)'s POV*

    "Xiumin!" I shouted as he collapsed to floor

    My mind went blank as I saw him fall to the floor, I rushed to his side but Lay had already beat me to it. He knows me, what was he talking about. What had happened back there, when we fought. Why did he disappear away from all of us like that? He looked in so much pain and..

I almost kissed him.

    I don't know what has been running through mind lately but I am not being myself. I ignored what I was thinking and I shook his shoulder but he didn't react to my actions. The others had gathered around us as, Chen kept pushing them back to give Xiumin air.

   I lifted up his head placing it on my lap. Lay checked his eyes and repeatedly said his name. My heart pounded in my chest in fear. This doesn't happen to ghost right? This isn't normal

    "He's coming back" Lay let out a breath. I watched his eyes flutter as he adjusted to the lights, he looked up at me blinking in confusion

    "Are you okay?" I asked looking down at him

    He sat up quickly touching his body as if to check for injury. Before I could even stand up he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. My eyes widened in shock as I could feel my cheeks redden. I could feel everyone's eyes go wide at his actions.

    "I remember" He whispered, he pulled away but kept his hands on my shoulder looking at me

    "Re-remember what?" I stuttered out

    "Everything" He breathed out

    "Xiumin what are you talking about, you aren't making sense" Kai said

    He stood up from where he was sitting on the floor reaching out a hand towards me. I took it and once again felt the electricity go through my veins. I let go of his hand quickly and nervously stood next to him.

    "I'm alive"

    He's alive. How does that work he is a ghost. You can't be a ghost unless you are dead. This doesn't make any sense, Xiumin is dead. I tried to process the thoughts that were flying through my head but I was still in shock along with everyone else.

    "Xiumin I think you hit your head when you fell" Baekhyun said putting a hand on his shoulder

    "I didn't, I mean we have to find me-I mean my body. I'm not dead and where ever I am, I'm in danger" He said with panicked eyes 

    "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked lost along with everyone else who was giving him strange glances. Maybe he did hit his head.

    "I'm not a ghost. That's why I can appear to humans if I want, that's why I'm warm and not cold. I'm not dead neither is my body it's alive I'm alive" He said as everyone's jaws dropped in shock. So if Xiumin isn't dead and he's not a ghost that means..

    "A lost soul" I said out loud as he snapped his fingers pointing at me 

    "That's it (Y/N)!" He said happily 

    "Then if your not dead where is your body? What do you remember?" Kyungsoo asked him quickly as we all nodded our heads 

    "This is going to be a lot to explain" He said rubbing his neck and avoiding everyone's eyes 

    "We got time." Yugyeom stated 

    "Okay, so my parents knew your parents. They were especially close to your parents" He motioned towards where I stood with Sehun and Kyungsoo "The day I was going to go meet you I got attacked by a reaper. I should have died that day but I didn't and some how ended up in a hospital barely breathing" He explained 

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