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*Xiumin's POV*

I honestly believed that this fight against Death wouldn't take this long. If anything I thought he would have attacked us by now. It's been two years, two years and we have nothing else on Death and we are stuck.

We thought that after looking through my father's box we would be closer to ending this so we could go back to normal but even if we learned a lot it's as if he disappeared. The only thing that stayed constant was the dead animals we would find near any house we were staying at, because of the reapers that were constantly watching us.

Suho decided it would be best if we kept moving, staying in the same place wouldn't be safe so we all agreed. We have been moving around a lot since then, things are quite but we are all still on edge. Every time dead animals begin to appear we leave, but we don't understand why the reapers haven't attacked us.

"Xiu what are you thinking about?" (Y/N) squeezed my hand bringing me out of my thoughts

I looked down at our intertwined hands I couldn't help smiling. Her small soft hand fit perfectly with mine, her smile still brought butterflies to my stomach. Even though two years have passed with her by my side I still fall for her over and over again.

The rest of the guys finally have accepted me and fully approve of our relationship. Of course they keep a close eye on us, but still I'll take what I can get. Everything has felt like such a sweet dream with her on my side.

"Nothing babe" I explained kissing her cheek, I'll never get over that she's mine

"Let's join everyone else to eat" She smiled tugging at my hand I laughed at her cute behavior the side that she only shows to me

"Okay let's go"

We walked hand in hand to the kitchen we have been using for about only a week now. Suho has done a good job finding us different places to stay. Almost everyone was already in there talking to each other.

"(Y/N) saved you two a seat over here" Mark waved us over and we made our way towards him

These family dinners have become a daily routine for all of us. With so many people in one house we all go different ways. Some off us trained or continued to try to find a lead. Once in a while we'd have a ghost fight but since we hardly go out we don't see ghosts as much as before.

By the end of the day we all end up at the table eating together. Acting as if nothing was going on, that everything was okay. As I looked around the table someone was missing out of the group.

"Where's Kai guys?" Lay questioned pointing at an empty chair where Kai should be

"He was with me playing video games but left early for lunch like always, I haven't seen him since" Sehun explained

We all gave each other confused glances wondering where he could be. It's unlike him to be late for dinner. He's usually one of the first ones already sitting at the table. Before any of us could call out for him we heard screams coming from outside.

We all got up quickly running outside to find Kai laying still on the floor, a reaper above him.

Within seconds (Y/N) had launched herself at the creature taking it down. Kris along with Sehun and Lay ran to Kai to see if he was alright. I stood frozen for a second till I finally came back to my senses and went to help (Y/N).

"Attack from the back while I get it's attention" She commanded as I nodded

As it hissed at her I slowly made my way behind it. Before it could leap at her I was already on it's back wrestling it to the ground. Just like we practiced I reached for the knife on my side and wrapped my arm around it's neck to cut it. Without giving it a second thought I dragged my hand across it's neck.

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