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My name is Eren Jaeger, a 16 year old junior, with dark brown hair, and teal colored eyes... well those are the colors my parents say they are. The most important thing about me is that I haven't found my soulmate, so to me my hair is black and my eyes are gray.


So today is the day Survey Corps High School gets a new teacher. It's always big news if someone new comes, whether it be a student or teacher, because this school is known for how crazy and unpredictable it is.

The guy is supposed to be the new foreign language teacher, because our other one disappeared one day and hasn't come back, and it hasn't even been a full month of school yet.

But it isn't a surprise, this happens almost every month and one of the other teachers here just step up and take their place, but never has there been someone from outside the school becoming a teacher here.


I wake up to the sound of an alarm and turn it off then shuffle to the bathroom to get ready for school.

I wash my face and brush my teeth then leave the bathroom going back to my room. I change out of my pajamas to my regular black and white colored clothes then grab my key that my dad gave me off my nightstand and put it on.

It's attached to string so I can wear it around my neck, but it's usually hidden under my shirt.

After that I go downstairs to the dining room where my mother, Carla and my sister, Mikasa are eating their breakfast.

Though Mikasa is my adopted sister, she always makes me feel like she's my second mother and always being way too over protective of me. I still love her like family none the less.

It just gets a little weird sometimes.

After I finish eating I grab my backpack in the hallway at the front door and put on my shoes. I don't even have to say anything and Mikasa follows suit, she usually follows me all the way to school by my side.

While walking I ask her, "Did dad already leave for work?"

She nods then says, "He got a call earlier this morning so he had to leave immediately."

"Ah." I respond.

My father, Grisha is always away on a job and almost never at home. He works as a doctor in the hospital and sometimes helps people whenever they can't get to the hospital on time.

My mother is a housewife so there's really not much to say about her, she does all the housework except for when Mikasa and I help out.

When we're almost at school we meet up with our friend, Armin Arlelt. He's been my best friend ever since I could remember, only because he was the only one that was able to deal with me. But he's a good guy, really smart and always gets the top grades in every class that involves academics, I'm not going to mention anything that involves physical activity though.

We get to school and hang out in the cafeteria at a small group of tables before going to first period. While going to the tables some of our other friends are there having fun, some being hyper while others are trying to stay awake.

"Hey guys." I say making my presents known.

"Hey." A few of them reply, then we all start talking and laughing together.

After awhile one of my friends, Sasha asks, "So Eren, what do you think the new teacher will be like?"

"Don't know. I just hope he's not one of those teachers who gives us a lot of homework." I answer.

Though I doubt it, what kind of teacher does?

Well here we don't get much probably about three or four times a month, but the classes are hard. I've heard not that many people graduate because of that, but most likely the disappearance rate is the main cause.

The 15 minute bell rings to go to first period so we all start to gradually leave the table. I walk off with Armin and Mikasa to our class together, since we're going to the same one.

We get to the room and go to our desks, which just happens to be right beside each other. Then the teacher Ms. Zoë or Hanji, as she likes to be called, comes in and starts our chemistry class.


Fourth period ends and everyone leaves for lunch. I go to the usual group of tables with all my friends and eat my lunch.

While every minute passes I'm even more nervous than before. Only because it means it's sooner and sooner I have to go to eighth period.

I've heard from many other students that had one of the classes, the teacher is really scary for his size. Which I'm really confused about what they mean by size, but I know I won't enjoy the class.

What makes it worse is that Armin won't be there today. He gets to go talk to the principal of this school, Erwin Smith.

Only because his academic scores are so high for a regular junior he gets to meet our principal.

Mr. Smith has never met with any of the other students before and only certain staff members can speak to him.

But never mind that, how am I going to survive my eighth period?! I don't want to die!


The bell rings for eighth period and I say bye to Armin before he leaves to go to the principals office. Truthfully, I'd rather be there getting yelled at about my not so good grades than going to class.

As I go take my seat for my French class I try to calm down a little by talking to Marco Bodt.

He's one of my friends that I made a little bit before coming into high school and I'm almost 100% certain that he's dating Jean Kirschtein. Though neither of them admit to it, it's pretty obvious to everyone else.

The bell rings and everyone takes their seats all looking nervous. Well the good thing is, is that I'm not the only one.

The teacher walks in and introduces himself, "I am Mr. Ackerman your new language arts teacher."

He then looks at the seating chart to take attendance.

As he does so I look at all of his features and now realize what people meant about his size. He's so short, but I have to say he's got some good looks. He looks as though he has a very nice body shape, his hairstyle is short with center-parted bangs with an undercut, and he has a white button up shirt with a black tie, pants, and shoes on.

But I don't know if there is any distinct colors on him, sadly.

I wonder if he can see in color? I actually know a few adults here that can't see in color yet.

"Eren." Marco says getting my attention then directing to Mr. Ackerman.

I realize that Mr. Ackerman was trying to get my attention. He glares down at me and I feel like he's glaring into my soul.

Man, wasn't this a great first impression.

I look up into his gray eyes and start to get a small headache.

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