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A few days pass and today I'm supposed to be doing on a date with Levi... and Armin and Erwin.

Kill me.

I don't want to go on a double date with anyone, I just want to be with Levi.


I wake up around twelve so I roll out of my bed and get dressed, which has to be formal casual, so white button up shirt sleeves rolled slightly above my elbows with a black tie, pants, socks, and dress shoes.

The tie is slightly lose and my shirt is buttoned only to the third from the top.

After I get dressed I walk downstairs for lunch. I finish eating then binge watch one of my favorite comedy anime Senyu, which only takes around two hours to watch.

When I'm finished I start to leave the house and start to walk to our meeting place. Once I get to the place the only other person there is Erwin.

Well isn't this just great.

I mean I respect him greatly as my principal, but I'm not sure how to feel on going on a double date with him.

Once I go over to him we greet each other and just awkwardly standing beside each other.

Armin comes and we say hi to each other then he goes to Erwin, getting a hug from him. He then turns back to me asking, "Where's Mr. Ackerman?"

"I'm not sure." I answer.

We all wait a few more minutes then Levi is finally in sight. I instantly go up to him and hug him.

I pull away and he says, "Sorry I was late I got an annoying phone call that took forever."

"It's okay, so are we good now?" Erwin says.

We all nod and go to the restaurant that Levi and Erwin picked out.

Once we get to the restaurant it pretty much put the one I took Levi to, to shame. The restaurant is so big, clean, and fancy, well fancy enough for the name of it to be really hard to say.

I look around and just overall impressed with the place. I wonder what kind of food they serve, I think the name sounded Italian.


We're done with dinner and I feel like I shouldn't explain, because it was boring.

Nothing that exciting happened, except maybe after about twenty minutes I realized that the restaurant was French. We ordered and we somehow ended up with the same exact meal, the only difference was our drinks. Also maybe Erwin trying to copy every single thing Levi and I did with Armin, then Levi glaring at Erwin and constantly telling him to stop.

Okay maybe it wasn't completely boring.

But now we're just walking around the city and I'm constantly keeping an eye on Armin and Erwin.

Erwin looks like he's wanting to have sex with Armin any second now. He better not on this date though and to make sure of that when we're done I'll be walking with Armin back home.

We go to the same public balcony that Levi and I went to on our date and the view is still so beautiful.

I hold Levi in my arms like before and Erwin does the same with Armin.

Is he still trying to copying us?

I sigh and ignore them then continue to look out into the city. The sun sets beautifully and the stars start to come out, which makes the scene even more beautiful.

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