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One week passes and most of that week I was texting Levi after school or sometimes in between classes. Pretty much trying to catch up on what we missed for the past year without trying to mention my fuckup that ruined an entire year.

Over the summer Levi went to a few different states for work, but places where I really want to go to. Take Hawaii for example, he went there for some meeting and could've taken someone with him.

So that really disappoints me...

But Levi says he'll take me with him if the opportunity comes again or if we have time free.

So it kind of evens out.

I'll be going to school on Monday and I'm wondering what I could do after school. I mean before I really didn't do anything except for angrily exercise at the gym.

Actually now that I think about it a lot of people have told me I should work on my anger. I never really listened to them though since I always thought they were crazy for mentioning it.

Well I'm not going to change that anytime soon.

Trust me I tried not acting like myself before and I lasted two minutes. I think I may be helpless, but Levi says he sometimes likes me the way I am.


Other times it's more like, 'You damn brat.' or "You stupid brat.' well really anything that involves the word 'brat'.

But I love him anyway.

I just wish I never fucked up our relationship in the first place.

Well my mom did say before, 'Just don't do anything you regret.'

Well I did something I regret, a lot.

I should've thought things over more and that possibly would have never happened.


The next day after school I leave from Mr. Schultz's room and go to Levi's.

He's sitting at his desk grading papers and I come up to him. He doesn't look up but asks, "Is there anything you want brat?"

"Well I was wondering if we could go to your house for a little celebration of getting back together." I say coming close to him and turning his chair around to face me.

He looks up at me with the same emotionless expression, not phased by what I did and asks, "You would like that wouldn't you?"

I see one of the corners of his lip start to move up and he smirks. He then grabs onto my shirt and pulls me down for our lips to interlock.

He intensifies the kiss and wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer. We keep kissing until it feels like it's going on for such a long time someone may walk by at any point.

Levi then gets up from his chair and starts packing up and says, "It would be great to have you over but I want to give you a good graduation present. So you're just going to have to wait."

"Fine." I say in slight disappointment.

"But how about this weekend we can go to that amusement park that opened up last year. For a late birthday present."

I instantly perk up hearing those words and say, "That would be great!"

He brings his hand up and ruffles my hair then saying, "Then I'll see you tomorrow brat."

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