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We're now in our apartment and all I do while Levi sits on the couch drinking his tea is pace around the living room thinking of the people that hit Marco.

"They're going to die. They're going to die. They're going to die. They're going to die. They're going to die. Die. Die. Die. Die. I'll kill them!"

"Eren!" Levi yells getting my attention.

"What?!" I yell back at him.

"Just shut up about this."

"What? No, no I won't. Those bastards need to pay for what they did!" I yell.

"Come on, you don't even know who they are so just give up." Levi says calmly.

"Yeah, right! That's what you'll do! If Marco does die those people will be the murderous bastards that did it! You would pretty much be a coward if you don't do something! Do you know even know how it feels to have your friends die because of someone else?!"

After yelling that to him I feel a sudden hard smack on my face and fall onto the the floor.

I hold my cheek and look up at Levi angrily glaring down at me then I yell, "What the hell?!"

The next thing I hear is a tch coming from his mouth then feel a kick to my face. As I lay on the ground Levi picks me up by my hair and, coming close to my face.

"Listen here brat I already told you some of this but I guess I have to say the first part again, both of my best friends were murdered right in front of me. If you don't think I know how you feel... think again, damn it! I killed the guy who murdered my friends and I don't feel any better about it!"

He lets go of my hair and I hear him say quietly, "Now I have to clean the living room again because of you."

I watch him walk away while I sit on the floor and think of what to do.


Later, after Levi cleaned where I was beaten up I wait a little while longer before going to our bedroom. As I walk in I find him lying in bed reading a book.

I go sit beside him and say, "I'm sorry about earlier, I wasn't thinking and pretty much fucked up."

"You did." He simply answers and continues reading.

"Levi..." I say trying to get him to look at me.

He ignores me so I move closer and go to kiss him. We lock lips then I pull away from him and ask, "Do you forgive me? I really am sorry about what I said."

"If you can change my mood then I will." Levi says with a small smirk on his face.

I know what he means by that so I lean in to kiss him again. As we continue kissing each other I travel my hands into his shirt and start to trace his abdomen.

He wraps his arms around my neck and deepens every kiss. After kissing each other on the lips for I don't know how long I start to travel down his neck.

He moans out and holds me tighter then I pull away from him taking off his shirt. He then pushes me away, making me sit on the mattress. I glance at his face and see him somewhat glaring.

"Don't try it, brat. We never agreed this would be a sex night."

"But your facial expression definitely says to go on." I say.

I come closely for another kiss but pinned down by Levi in an instant.

"If you're really wanting something to happen brat... then I won't hold back."

He comes closer to my face and stops just before he gets to my lips.

"I know you just want to think of something else to think of other than your friend but this isn't the best way to go."

"Then what is?" I ask.

"Let's just wait to see what Kirschtein has to say, okay." Levi says pulling away from my face and gets off of me.

"Got it, but wha-"

"In the meantime you should be getting ready for bed. It's already past eleven."

"Okay." I answer then slide off the bed, grab my pajamas, and shuffle to the bathroom.

Once I'm done taking a shower and brushing my teeth I go back to our bed then lay beside Levi. He turns toward me then wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

I then wrap my arms around him and we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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