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School starts back up again after Christmas and the New Year all I have to say is, best Christmas ever.

I now wear his present on my ring finger on my right hand. And surprisingly Mikasa hasn't questioned it yet.

But I'm glad that I got to do something for Levi. Of course I told Armin about it and not anyone else.

And apparently Armin went out with Mr. Smith Christmas and New Year.

I'm glad Armin gets to be with someone he has huge feelings for, but in his story it felt like he was hiding something. Though it's not my place to question if he wants to hide something he can.

I just hope it isn't an abusive relationship or I will beat Mr. Smith to a pulp.


Before class ends Levi gets a call on the class phone and tells me to go to the principal's office at the end of class.

What would Mr. Smith want from me?

I'm really confused, because I haven't seen Armin since lunch and now the principal wants to see me. But at least it don't have to take my things with me since I have lessons with Levi today.

When class ends I walk instantly to the main office and ask the woman at the front desk where Mr. Smith's office is. She directs me in the general direction after I tell her my name and that I was called down.

As I walk to his office I get stares by the administration and some teachers. They probably think I'm lost or something.

I get to the door that says 'principal's office' and knock, after waiting a few seconds I get no response. So I knock again and wait, still nothing.

I then hesitantly open the door hoping I'm not interrupting anything.

"Excuse me- shit!" I yell then slam the door shut.

T-that... I just saw, what the fuck! Armin is not innocent...

"What are you doing, brat?"

I jump and turn around to see Levi looking at me questionably. What is he doing here?

"Are you scared to go into Erwin's office or something?" He asks and pushes me aside to open the door.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Levi!" I yell trying to stop him.

"What do you want Erwin?" Levi says walking into the room ignoring me.

He sees what going on and continues asking, "You wanted us for something, what is it?"

I watch as Armin frantically puts his clothes on while Mr. Smith just sits at the same spot unphased by what's going on.

"Well since you asked so bluntly," Mr. Smith says starting to slowly put his clothes on, "let's all go on a double date."

There's silence for a few seconds then Armin and I yell, "Huh?!"

"Let's all go on a normal no sex double date." Mr. Smith says again.

Armin and I are looking at Mr. Smith with wide eyes while Levi stays silent then says, "What's with the change? I thought you always had sex with your partner and that's what you considered a date."

Wait a minute... what Hanji said before winter break but was cut off had something to do between both of them...

Did they...

"Well he said you two went on a date recently with no sex. So I think I need to learn a little of what to do." Mr. Smith gestures to Armin.

"Well that is true we did go on a date but who told you about sex anyway?" Levi asks Mr. Smith then turns toward me and asks, "Did you tell Armin about us having sex?"

I shake my head and Levi stares at me questionably.

"Hanji that told me and I asked Armin about you two." Mr. Smith explains, getting our attention back.

"That shitty glasses." Levi says under his breath then asks, "So what's in it for us?"

"Free cleaning supplies." Mr. Smith answers.

"We'll take it." Levi quickly says.

"What?! That doesn't benefit me!" I yell out to Levi.

"What do you mean it's free cleaning supplies?" Levi turns and asks me.

I stare at him questionably, is he really serious?

Levi turns back to Mr. Smith saying, "So I'll take the cleaning supplies, the brat and I will think of something for his benefit."

"Wait, Levi!" I yell.


"That still doesn't benefit me at all. You'll just make me choose something that still benefits you." I say.

"Okay, so I'm going to say since Eren tops maybe I could..." Mr. Smith trails of when he notices me awkwardly looking around then asks, "What is it? You two already had sex, I was told Eren tops."

"Well that was..." I start to say then trail off looking at Levi to say something.

"That was what I told Hanji so she would leave." Levi finishes.

"Oh, well then congratulations Levi you finally made it. How does it feel to be on top?" Mr. Smith says happily.

Levi glares at him then says, "Shut up."

"Okay, but still let's all go out together." Mr. Smith says.

We all are silent till Levi speaks up again saying, "I'll talk over Jeager's benefit with him later. We'll do it."

"Levi!" I say and he just ignores me.

"Great! I'm happy you agree, Levi!" Mr. Smith says happily.

"Wait Mr. Smith-"

"Call me Erwin."

"Well Erwin- Levi wait!" I yell and quickly follow Levi out of the office.

Once we are out in the hallway I grab ahold of his arm and stop him. He turns around and instantly pulls me in for a kiss.

He pulls away and wraps his arms around my neck then says, "When you're 18 you can top me how's that?"

"Wait, I can top?!" I say surprised.

"When you're 18."

"Okay. I'm okay with that." I say and probably grinning like an idiot.

"Then let's go back to the classroom." He says letting go of me.

I follow him back then we have our lesson.

I think I was too accepting with the benefit for me, because now I have to wait two years. I should've said why not on my birthday this year, it's not that far away.

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