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The next morning I wake up and instantly get ready for school.

Today is one of the days that Levi is going to give me German lessons. In other words Levi and I alone together while in a relationship.

I hope something good comes from this, I mean he did kiss me yesterday.

As I get to school the feeling of the person who is watching me comes back, but somehow it feels different than before.

I walk into the school and go over to our small group.


The day goes by quickly and now I wait for everyone to leave the room. Levi closes the door like usual and we start my lessons.

When I'm finished with my lesson I put the textbook in my backpack. Lessons were nothing special, but at least I got to spend sometime with Levi.

Before I start to leave the room I kiss Levi on the lips.

I then start to quickly walk out but stopped by Levi grabbing onto my backpack. He turns me around and presses his lips on mine.

He pulls away to take off my backpack and sets it on the floor then starts kissing me again. Levi puts one of his hands under my shirt and traces my abdomen lightly with his fingers.

"So it's an eight pack." Levi says under his breath.

He pulls away and continues saying, "I would have never thought you were that well fit brat."

"Well I do work out a lot." I answer then come closer and do almost the same thing to him.

As I feel his abdomen I'm impressed of how it feels. I start to go a little more to his back then start to travel to his butt. I'm stopped though by Levi and he pulls away from me just a little.

"What do you think you're doing, brat?" He asks.

"Well... um, I uh..."

"I'm not letting an inexperienced brat top me you know." He says surprising me.

"Ah, wait I... um, I wasn't thinking that."

Levi smirks then says, "I think I got the idea what you were going to do brat."

After saying that he comes closer and kisses me passionately on the lips. Then pulls away asking, "How about my house some time?"

"I-I'm okay with that." I say and I feel like I'm smiling like crazy.

The ends of his lips curls up a little then says, "Well then I'll see you tomorrow, brat."

"Bye Levi." I say and smile then leave.

As I walk away from the school the feeling of being watched is still there.

Who the hell is it?!


The next morning Marco texts me saying;

'I'm sorry I can't give you lessons today my parents want me to do something for them after school."

"It's ok."

After I send the message I start to get dressed for school.

Maybe Levi and I could be together after school today.

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