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For the next few days really nothing interesting happened, but when winter break came Levi and I started making plans for our date.

Well really it's me doing all the planning and just telling Levi where to meet up. I'm only planning everything because it's Levi's birthday.

This outing will have no sex whatsoever, we're going to have a simple date that is hopefully romantic.

I get ready to go and put on black pants, with a gray long sleeve shirt, then once I walk downstairs a dark green coat, and a black scarf.

I start to put on my shoes but before I leave the house Mikasa keeps asking me questions.

"So you'll be back around 10?"


"Are you all bundled up and warm?"


"Are you sure?"


"Do you really want to go out with this person?"

"Yes, I do. It'll be fine Mikasa."


"Okay how about this, tomorrow I'm all yours how about that?"



"Okay, promise."

"I promise."

After saying that I hug her goodbye and yell to mom and dad goodbye then walk out to the chilly night sky.

I walk to our meeting place and pretty much freeze. It's supposed to be around 30 some degrees out and I don't believe it, it's has got to be colder.

I see Levi waiting so I go up to him and ask, "Did you have to wait long?"

"No, I just got here." He says.

I look at what he's wearing and it looks really simple dark blue coat with black pants, shoes, and scarf.

"So let's go." I say and smile.

Wow what a great thing to say, a least compliment how he looks.

Hot as ever.

I'm such an idiot.

"Okay." He answers then I grab ahold of his hand and we start walking to the restaurant I picked out.

While walking I turn to Levi and ask, "So how old are you now?"

"35." He simply answers.

"Wait, what?!" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah that's a common reaction when I tell someone my age."

"Sorry I didn't mean to yell." I apologize.

"It's alright."

Colors (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now