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Eren's POV

I'm now 18 and a senior almost ready to graduate.

It's been a little over a year since I broke up with Levi and I still haven't forgiven him. I know I may be acting overly stubborn but I don't want to deal with a soulmate that cheats.

Today I'm just sitting in the cafeteria with my group of friends, peacefully eating my lunch and Jean for some reason has to come over to bother me.

"Hey Eren, don't you think you could lose the angry face?"

"Go away Jean." I say not looking at him.

"Oh come on, I'm just saying if you did your soulmate would be around you more."

"What?" I say in a low angry voice.

"I heard from a certain someone that you broke up with your soulmate. Is it true?"

"Fuck off Jean."

"Oh come on I'm just asking a question."

I glare at him then realize people are starting to watch. Jean better shut the hell up now.

"Well at least I have a soulmate that I don't have to hide. I can open up anytime I want and everyone will accept it." Jean continues mocking me.

"Yeah but I've talked to your soulmate and they didn't want to tell till after graduation." I state to him and see a small hint of anger coming from him.

"I know that, but unlike you I can be with mine whenever I want."

After his says that we both give each other death glares and say nothing. This asshole is going to get it if he goes any further.

"Jean, I think you should stop now." Marco speaks up.

But Jean ignores him and continues, "And since you never gave me an answer I'm going to assume you did break up with your soulmate. What, did you cry after you did it?"

"You son of a bitch!" I yell at Jean and swing a right hook at his horse face.

It connects and I send him flying a few feet. He lands onto to the ground then instantly gets back up. Jean comes to hit me and I try to hit him at the same time and both of our fists connect with the others face.

I'm taken back a bit but try to go after Jean again.

He runs toward me and grabs my shirt then pulls back to hit me again, but I quickly grab his arm and kick his leg from under him. He falls backwards and lands on his back then I quickly get on top of him pull my arm back to punch him, but feel a tight grasp on my wrist stopping my hit.

I glare and yell 'Fucking let go!' at the person holding my wrist and regret it instantly.

I freeze up when I see Levi glaring coldly down at me. Shit, I am so dead.

I get off of Jean and he gets up then we both follow Levi to the hallway leading to the principals office.

Levi makes us wait outside while he goes into the office to talk.

"You fucking asshole." I say quietly to Jean.

"Well at least you'll be in a better situation than me, you'll probably get detention while I'm suspended."

"No way, like you said we broke up. We haven't talked outside of school activities for over a year."

"The hell? You're soulmates, right? What the hell happened?"

"I caught him cheating." I answer and lean back on the wall.

"Oh, sorry." I hear Jean say then we wait in silence.


"What the fuck are you saying?!" I yell at Levi and he just keeps the same emotionless face.

"You heard me Jaeger. You and Kirschtein are suspended for three weeks because of you're actions."

"You son of a bitch!" I yell and storm out of the hallway.

I quickly go back home and slam the front door open after unlocking it. I then run up to my room without taking my shoes off and slam my door shut then lock it.

I fall onto my bed and face the ceiling.

The hell, my life is just going to shit!

First Levi and I break up, then I get into a fight just two months before school ends and will probably not graduate because of how far behind I'll be.

Fucking hell!

My life is a fucking hell hole!

Levi's POV

I watch Eren walk away then I hear Kirschtein get my attention, "Mr. Ackerman..."

"Yes, Kirschtein?"

"Did you really cheat on Eren?"

Right when he finishes asking I look to where Eren left and answer, "No."

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