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Eren's POV

The next morning I wake up as usual and get ready for school and go downstairs for breakfast. I've realized that some of my clothes look different, but most of them are still black and white.

I tried something new and put on clothes that have some color. Though I only changed my shirt since I don't know what colors it could go with, except black. I've heard that black goes with everything, but I really hope Marco can teach me colors soon so I don't have to guess.

I say good morning to everyone and sit at the seat beside Mikasa. My dad keeps reading the newspaper while mom puts a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.

Everything just looks so different and it fascinates me.

After I finish eating breakfast I get up and go towards the door. Mikasa follows just like always and we go to school together and meet Armin on the way.

We get onto the school grounds and the feeling that I'm being watched comes back.

Who could be watching me?

We get inside and go to our table, after talking with our friends for awhile I feel a tap on my shoulder and look behind me. Seeing Marco, he says good morning then directs me away from everyone.

"So I can start teaching you tomorrow after school." Marco says.

"Really?! That's great, thank you!" I say happily.

"You're welcome, also I can only teach Wednesdays and Fridays. Oh, and don't worry about Jean, he said he'll promise to keep it a secret."

"Great, thanks a lot. I'm glad I got someone to teach me, but just tell me if I'm getting on your nerves and I'll stop."

"No, don't worry about it I'm happy to help out." Marco responds and smiles.

Why is someone so nice with Jean?

After that we go back to our tables and talk like usual. Though I've noticed something about Armin, he seems to be looking around a lot.

Like when we were walking to school this morning and yesterday evening he seemed fascinated by something.

The bell rings for first period and the day of torturing begins.


The bell for eighth period rings so I get up from my desk and walk to French class. I wonder if Mr. Ackerman will say anything to me about our relationship after class.

I mean he must've noticed I'm his soulmate, right?

When I sit down I turn to Armin and Marco and we talk a bit about today, but we mostly talk about if titans were real.

About two weeks ago our group of friends went to go see this one movie called Attack on Titan and we've been talking about it from time to time.

The tardy bell rings and Mr. Ackerman walks in and starts taking attendance. I take out my notebook and pencil before he says anything.

Then start to stare at him looking at all his different features again.

His eyes, even though they have a slight different color to them, they are still just as cold but sexy looking as before. He wears an outfit like yesterday and has a little color on the tie, but still wears mostly black and white. His hair is the same black color, that occasionally falls in front of his beautiful face.

I have to admit he looks really hot.

After thinking that he stops teaching and glares at me with those cold eyes then asks, "What are you looking at Jaeger?"

"Nothing, just looking on the board taking notes." I answer.

Damn it, I think I may have messed up again.

He glances down at my blank paper then asks, "Are you sure about that? To me it looks like you're not paying any attention."

"Uh, yeah... I'm sure."

He glares at me some more then says, "Stay after class Jaeger."

I sigh then nod.

I know I wanted to stay after class with Mr. Ackerman, but that's not the way I was imagining it.

When the bell rings for the end of the day almost everyone leaves instantly and I stay behind. I tell Armin to tell Mikasa to go home without me, Armin nods and starts to leave me in the classroom alone with Mr. Ackerman.

As Armin leaves the room with Marco, I wait quietly in my seat for Mr. Ackerman to say something to me.

Once everyone is out of the room he goes and closes the door then comes over to me asking, "Is there some reason why you don't pay attention in this class?"

"No, not really. I just never thought of learning French I guess." I answer truthfully.

"Well Jaeger I've looked at your past grades in this class and they've been quite horrendous." He states.

God, I feel like I'm going to start to get lectured by this guy. Is he really my soulmate?

I sigh then ask, "Is there a point for you saying that?"

"Yes there is. If you don't start paying attention you won't graduate."

"What's the problem with that?" I ask, which was a bad idea.

Mr. Ackerman's eye twitches and he snaps saying, "The problem is that I would have to deal with an annoying brat for another year."

Oh god I messed up again. Damn, I was hoping to have a good relationship with my soulmate, but I'm not even giving him a good impression.

Good job me, but I have to try something I guess.

"Um, Mr. Ackerman?" I ask.

"What is it?"

"Well, do you want to... go out sometime?"

"What?! No! What are you thinking?!" He yells.

I flinch at his sudden yelling then ask, "Well... we are soulmates, right? So shouldn't we get together?"

"You've been reading too many fairytales. No one instantly gets with someone else and lives happily ever after just because they're able to see in color. You at least need to know the other before you get with them, that's real life." Mr. Ackerman explains.

"Then why don't we hang out together? It's not a date if we're not holding hands or kissing, we just happened to meet each other at the same place at the same time and went to eat with no one else." I say, trying to get Mr. Ackerman to at least give me a chance.

"No, I'm not going out anywhere outside of school activities with a student."


I'm cut off by his intense glare and him saying in a low threatening voice, "You are dismissed Jaeger. Get out of this classroom and never speak of this to me again."

I obey him and leave the classroom with my things, but I will not give up.

As I walk off the campus I get that feeling like I'm being watched again, but ignore it and go straight home.

Levi's POV

I watch Jaeger go home again and just think, why did he have to act almost exactly like her?

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