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I blink a few times and then everything starts to look different. Even though I'm in awe at what I see, Mr. Ackerman is still glaring at me.

I ask confused, "What is it?"

I hear giggling from other students, but Mr. Ackerman glares at all of them, making them stop instantly. Then glares back at me and says in a low angry voice, "I told everyone to get out paper and a writing utensil. So why are you the only one that hasn't moved? Do you think you can remember everything I say?"

"U-uh, no." I answer then grab my backpack and start looking for my notebook and pencil.

When I open my notebook and turn to a blank page Mr. Ackerman starts teaching. After awhile Marco passes me a piece of paper asking;

'You okay?'

'Yeah, but I need to ask you something after class.' I write back then show him, I see a nod and we both start listening to Mr. Ackerman again.


After class I leave with Marco and we go to a somewhat private place.

Marco turns to me and asks, "So what did you want to ask me?"

I take a deep breath and ask, "Can you teach me colors?"

"What?" He asks and looks at me shocked.

"I need to know what the different colors are, but I don't want a lot of people to know."

"I see your point, but why ask me?"

"You're the only one I know that can see in color that wouldn't make a big deal about it." I explain.

"Wait, how do you know I can see in color?" He asks worryingly.

"Let's just say, you and Jean are very obvious." I say bluntly.

"N-no, Jean and I... we're good friends."

"Okay I won't say anything else maybe, but one time during art class last year you did name colors." I say.

"You got me there... okay, I'll teach you."

"Really! Great when do you think-"

"But," Marco says cutting me off, "I need to tell Jean what I'm doing."

"What?! No! You can't, he'll just start teasing me about it and get really annoying."

"I know you two aren't very fond of each other, but don't worry he won't do anything I promise he'll keep it a secret." Marco begs.

"Are you sure?" I ask unsure.

"Yes, he won't annoy you and he won't tell anyone."

"Okay... but when are you just going to say 'my boyfriend Jean' to everyone?" I ask.

Marco starts to blush and he stutters, "N-no, Jean isn't... I mean, I told you before he's... he's just a good friend."

"Yeah, a good friend that you need to tell him exactly what's going on so he doesn't get jealous."

After I say that Marco starts blushing even more and says, "I-I'll tell you what I can do tomorrow, okay."

I nod then we both leave to go home. When I look back at Marco I see him go to Jean and I'm still 100% certain they're dating. It's just so obvious.

I meet up with Armin and Mikasa and we leave the school together. But I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me before I left the campus.

Though I ignored it.

While walking home I ask Armin, "How was talking to the principal?"

"It was okay. We talked about my future because my grades are so good. I could actually graduate this year if I wanted to." Armin says.

"Wow, that's impressive. But you're not going to leave us, right?" I ask.

He shakes his head and says, "I won't leave you guys."

After saying that he starts to head more in the direction of his house and we all say our goodbyes.

When Mikasa and I get to our house we're greeted by mom making dinner.

Later on while Mikasa and I study for a math test is when dad comes home. We all eat together then I go up to my room while Mikasa and mom are cleaning the dishes and dad is watching the news in the living room.

I lie on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. Everything looks so different, but at least I know what the colors brown and teal are. And some things do look the same like Mikasa's hair, but now I'll have to learn all these different colors. I'm really excited.

Though I'm a little confused, I always thought your soulmate is supposed to be someone close to your age. So is Mr. Ackerman in his early twenties, he does look around that age.

Levi's POV

I stand in the hallway where I watched Jaeger leave with his friends. My first day wasn't that bad I guess but...

Who knew my soulmate would turn out to be someone like that, fate is cruel.

Colors (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now