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Eren's POV

I wake up with Mr. Ackerman in my arms and look down at his beautiful face then start to blush.

Holy shit, that means last night wasn't a dream... yes!

After thinking that he slowly wakes up.

"Good morning." I say and smile.

"Hmm... good morning, brat." He says tiredly and starts getting up.

When he stands at the entrance of the cave I go to grab the flashlight that I left on.

It's off right now so I guess it maybe dead, but I still check it anyway. When I mess with the switch the light shines directly in my eyes surprising and blinding me.

I instantly drop the flashlight and cover my eyes yelling, "Shit!"

Mr. Ackerman looks back and asks, "What did you do, brat?"

"Nothing, I'm good." I answer rubbing my eyes, trying to get my vision back.

"I seriously wonder how you got into the school." Mr. Ackerman says then sighs.

"For your information I graduated fifth in my class in middle school." I state.

"Wow, I'm so impressed... come on we need to regroup with the others."

After saying that Mr. Ackerman leaves the cave and I quickly grab the flashlight from the ground, turn it off, and follow him.

But I feel like what he said was sarcasm, he's not impressed.

As we're walking I say to Mr. Ackerman, "You know I really want to know your first name."


"Well shouldn't I know my soulmates name?" I ask.

"I guess, but you'll find out at some point."

"Wait, not now?"

"No." He answers teasing me.

"Well I love you too." I say.

I hear a small laugh come from him and we keep walking to the camp with our hands brushing against each other from time to time.

Once we get close enough to be seen by anyone at the camp site we hear Hanji yell out our names.

"So Levi Ackerman?"

He sighs then says, "Yeah, never call me that in front of the others or you're dead."

"Got it."

We meet up with everyone and I go over to my friends while Levi goes to the other teachers. Some of them ask me about how it was having to spend the night with Levi and I just answer like any other student that does horrible in a class and doesn't have a good relationship with a teacher.

The night was horrible and he was always nagging on about my grades.

Even though the truth was no where like that. I enjoyed being with Levi and he finally accepted my feelings.

I wonder how our relationship will turn out.


The next few days of being in the woods was decent except for me starting to sneeze more and more every passing day.

And the next thing I know I miss a couple days of school because of a cold.

Apparently if you leave on wet clothes and stay in them for a long time there is a possibility you will get sick. I swear I should've known that beforehand then I could've seen Levi without his clothes.

When I get back to school on Wednesday I hear that some of the teachers and a few students disappeared last week. So our attendance rate is even lower than usual right now.

Which is terrific.

I actually got information from Marco that a few people from our class disappeared and that Levi wasn't there for the two days I was gone.

Which actually is weird.

But he's here today when I come back which I think is kind of funny.

The eighth period bell rings and I walk with Armin and Marco to class.

We have a group project due in one month and it's hard. Everyone has to write out ten cities and thoroughly describe all of them in French, then we have to make a video and all of us have to have the same amount of lines and words talking about one city we have in common.

No less than twenty lines and fifty words for each person.

Of course it all has to be fluent to get a good grade, but I swear I'm going to say something in German by accident.


After class I leave with Marco and when we get to the front gates I realize I left my notebook in the classroom. So I tell him to wait for me and run back up to the room.

As I go up the stairs to the room I stand at the door then scan it and don't see my notebook.

Levi gets my attention when he asks, "Are you here for your notebook, brat?"

I look over at Levi and he's sitting at his desk with my notebook on his lap, not looking at me. He then turns toward me and holds out my notebook.

"Thanks." I say and go up to grab the book.

He doesn't let go and I start to ask, "Levi, what are you-"

I'm cut off by him suddenly pulling me forward and our lips connecting.

He pulls away a says, "I'll see you tomorrow brat."

I back away then start to blush and stutter, "Y-yeah I'll uh... see ya!"

I quickly run out of the room embarrassed and go to Marco waiting outside. He asks what's wrong and what happened but I answer to neither of the questions.

I can't believe Levi did that so soon I thought he would be the kind of person to wait a while before kissing.

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