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It's been a few weeks and now Marco is out of the hospital, just in time for my wedding day. I wanted all of my closest friends and family that I knew well to be there and it comes true. I'm happy for what is to come soon.

Today is mine and Levi's wedding day and I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. I really don't know how to describe most of my feelings at the moment.

As of right now I'm in my own room with Armin and he's trying to calm me down a little.

"Okay Eren, just breathe."

"I'm trying to calm down but I'm too happy!" I yell out.

I notice Armin smiling then he says, "I'm happy that you're happy but maybe try to conceal it for just a little while."

"You're right, but I don't know how!" I say probably grinning like crazy.

Armin continues to smile then my parents and Mikasa come in and we talk for awhile.

Then I wonder how Levi feels right now.

Levi's POV

I'm so nervous about today.

I triple checked everything and made sure everything was clean. Nothing should go wrong, right?

No I'm just over thinking things.

Yeah, that's right just over thinking.

Everything will be fine... maybe I should-

"Hey Levi calm down a bit." Hanji cuts my thoughts off.

"O-oh sorry." I say finally realizing who's in the room with me.

"It's alright but it seems like you head is about to explode. It'll be alright, nothing can go wrong." Hanji says.

"Well I mean there can be a lot of things that can go wro- ow!"

Erwin is cut off by Hanji jabbing him in the side then he says, "But you did so much to make it perfect with a lot of help so you should be perfectly fine."

"Thanks." I say and look out the window to see many people taking their seat for the wedding.

God so many are here...

"Hey Levi, it'll be perfectly fine... well it's time let's go." Erwin says after checking his watch.

God am I ready for this? Wait... am I too old to get married? Wait! What kind of question is that?

I think of everything while I walk behind Erwin to the garden where the altar is and I'm shaking.

Never thought a wedding would do this to me.

I walk down the isle hands shaking then I wait at the altar for Eren.

As he comes into view it just seems that my whole world is him. He's all I'm looking at and the only one I care about.

When he meets me at the alter everything else in the world goes away and I feel like the only person with me is Eren and no one else.

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