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The next morning I wake up and feel an instant pain in my lower regions.

Shit! Is this what Levi meant by making it worse for me?

Or is this part of the lesson?

I grumble and slide out of bed feeling the pain at my ass.

As I painfully shuffle over to the bathroom I think of how everything felt yesterday.

Yes, it did hurt a little at the time but I enjoyed the feeling it gave me. So would that mean I'm a masochist?

As I get to the bathroom I look into the mirror and search for any noticeable hickeys and find nothing.

Well at least I know Levi has some control.

I sigh then start my usual morning routine and school pretty much was like usual either boring or not.

Well school was great, except for the on and off literal pains in my ass.

After school I have my lessons with Marco again and now he says I'm close to not needing lessons any more.


In just a couple of days it starts winter break and I really want to spend some of that time with Levi.

I'm already done with my lessons with Marco so that just means more time to spend with Levi.

The day flies by and when the bell for the end of the day rings I wait for everyone to leave. Once everyone is gone I go up to Levi and and ask, "So what are you doing for winter break?"

"Nothing that special. You want to do something?"

"Yeah, so..."

"I'm okay with that." He answers.

"Okay, um..." I trail off.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Can I have your phone number? I think since we won't be at school for two weeks to talk things over, we'll need another way of communicating."

"Okay brat, give me your phone." Levi says and holds out his hand.

I get out my phone and unlock it then go to my contacts and hand it to Levi. He takes types in his number and name then texts himself and gives my phone back to me.

I look at my phone and see his contact name is his first name down with a blue heart beside it. Then I look at the message and see it says, 'It's the brat.' well then.

I look up from my phone at Levi and say, "Really, is that all I am to you? A brat."

"Yes you're my brat." He says then grabs my shirt and pulls me into a kiss.

I start to blush at what he said, but kiss him back.

Then I hear loud footsteps and someone yell, "Levi! You won't believe what just ha- my god! What's going on here?"

I quickly separate from Levi and look at the door seeing Hanji, smirking.

"What do you want, shitty glasses?" Levi asks calmly.

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