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As the days go by I get lessons from Marco and Mr. Ackerman.

But the dreams of me having sex with Mr. Ackerman have been as strong as ever... I've only imagined what his body looks like, sadly.

I want to know what he looks like underneath.

Oh, and nothing is happening with Mr. Ackerman in our relationship, every time I try to bring up the idea of dating after lessons he ignores me or glares, either way I stop right after.

I ended up talking to Marco about it and he guesses that Mr. Ackerman might just be one of the people that don't believe in soulmates.

Though I've been feeling uncertain about a few things and trying to find out who's been watching me when I come to and leave the school is one. I don't know why I'm being watched, it could be a stalker but I don't know who would do that to me.

But it would be great if they came out and told me. I don't want to have that weird feeling forever.


Today is the day we start our entire week in the woods and apparently the teams we were split into before were the ones we have to stay with. I'm okay with being with Mr. Ackerman, 100%... but with Jean no way.

We set up our tents and I'm not okay with having to sleep in same one as Jean.

Why does this have to happen to me?

I look at Mr. Ackerman and see him over at his tent talking to Hanji. Why do teachers get their own private tent?

When we're all done setting up the tents Hanji comes over and says cheerfully, "Okay so today we'll be going deep into the forest to find dinner. But first, you all know the rules... time to hand over those cell phones!"

We all give her our phones and she puts them in their own plastic bags, with the help of Ms. Ral and Mr. Bozado, then into one backpack.

I'm wondering where that backpack came from, because I am certain I didn't see it on our hike out here.

After they are done Sasha nudges me a little and says, "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Why?" I ask.

"The air feels heavy and it's obvious the teachers noticed as well."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Their actions." she points over to our teachers, "Haven't you noticed they seem a little uneasy?"

"Now that you mention it, they have been looking up at the sky a lot."

"Exactly, so I think we should be extra careful on our hunt." She says then adds, "I'm going to go tell the others."

While she leaves I start to get a weird feeling all of a sudden. Maybe I should stay near Mr. Ackerman so I know he's safe.

We get a small briefing of what's going on then split up it our groups and start heading out. Some of us have knives or spears, but for some reason only Sasha got a bow and arrows.

Why only her?

Levi's POV

After awhile we acquire a good number of berries and small animals to feed everyone tonight, so we start to head back to the tents.

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