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Eren's POV

After a few more weeks it's finally time for me to graduate.

I'm wearing my cap and gown with formal casual clothing underneath. The gown and cap are an olive color with the school symbol on the top of the cap.

I walk downstairs to my family and take some pictures before we leave to go to the building the graduation ceremony is held.

Mikasa is in the same cap and gown, but also with the scarf I gave her long ago when we first met.

As we get into the car to leave, mom and dads emotions are already coming out. Mom almost about to burst out crying of joy and dad showing obviously how proud he is of Mikasa and I.

I also have a small bag near me so I can change after the ceremony.

It's just regular casual clothes, but mom wanted me to wear something nice. So we kind of talked well yelled a little at each other and I was able to at least bring my clothes.

I had to explain to mom that I have plans to go out after the ceremony. Of course I didn't tell her everything, but I don't care about that. I'll tell my entire family who my soulmate is when I feel that Levi and Mikasa won't try to kill each other.

And truthfully I'm technically not living in the house anymore.

I'm moving out.

When we get to the building Mikasa and I part ways from our parents and go straight to our assigned seats in the back where we're completely hidden.

I see Levi leaning on the side of the wall by himself. We make eye contact and slightly smile at each other.

Then the music starts for us to walk out to our other seats so the parents will see us.

And the ceremony begins.


After the long ceremony my parents and a few of my friends parents want to take pictures.

I wish they didn't though, I want to meet up with Levi as soon as possible.

When we're done I quickly get the bag from mom and run into the restroom to change. I get into one stall and change quickly so I don't waste any time.

Once I get out I go to my mom and give her the bag with all of my clothes neatly folded. Then hand her the shoes, right after I pull her into a tight hug and say, "I love you and I'll be back at the house soon to tell you the moving plans."

"I love you too, Eren. Just don't do anything regretful." She says with a slight smile.

"I promise I won't." I say and smile then go to the meeting place Levi told me to go to.

Levi's POV

As the students happily go to their parents and other friends to talk for a while I start to head to my car to change clothes. I know it probably would be better to go to the restroom and change in there, but I despise public restrooms.

They're filthy.

All I did was bring a simple outfit for the date Eren and I are going on tonight. Well if you call going to a café then to my apartment a date.

A few days before graduation Eren told me he wanted to move in and live with me.

In truth I was shocked to hear it.

I thought he would want to try to live on his own before moving in with me. But what he's doing makes it easier for me to do what I plan to do tonight.

As I get into my car I look around to see if there was anyone nearby that could see me. Once it's clear I start to undress and when I'm done I get back out, lock the doors, then start heading to our meeting place.

As I'm walking I hear someone call my name so I turn toward the voice and see Erwin coming to me.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a bit?" He asks.

"Yeah, just make it quick."

"Okay. Are you free in four days?"

"What? Why don't you just say the date?" I ask.

"I forgot the date but that doesn't matter. Are you free that day?"

"Yeah." I answer then ask, "Is that it?"

"Yeah, I'll just text you the rest of the details later." Once he says that he quickly turns away and I see him walk over to Arlelt.

Well now I know what's going to happen with those two tonight.

Of course I can't say anything, what Eren and I are going to do won't be any better.

After thinking that I head to our meeting place then I get a phone call. I look at the caller ID and instantly feel like I want to kill myself.

That woman has been annoying the hell out of me since she and her supposed soulmate broke up. Then she started dating other men and even tried to go for me.

The hell I would do that.

I don't even know why I still have her contact in my phone.

I press the button to take her straight to voicemail then start to put my phone back in my pocket. Though right before I let go of my phone it starts ringing again.

Tch, she's so annoying.

I take my phone out of my pocket and accept the call. Once I put my phone a good distance away from my ear I start to hear Marie's high pitch complaining, since I ignored her the first time.

When I finally get some silence from her I say in low threatening voice so she will get the picture, "Shut the hell up. I don't have time for your damn ranting tonight, so I would advise you not to bother me for the next few weeks... or really ever. Go find someone else to complain to, you annoying bitch."

After that I hang up then completely turn off my phone so nothing else can bother me tonight.

I get near the meeting spot and see Eren waiting for me.

He looks nice.

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