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Eren's POV

The next morning I wake up and do my usual morning routine.

Today I get my lessons with Marco to learn colors and I'm really excited.

I get to school with Armin and Mikasa, and I still have that feeling of being watched, but ignore it again.


All my classes seem like they fly by until I get to eighth period.

Mr. Ackerman at least hasn't glared at me that much since I walked in.

Why did he have to be in class before the bell rings?

When the bell rings he gets up from his desk chair and takes attendance then says, "Okay I'll be passing out the papers you all filled out yesterday."

He goes around handing everyone their paper, I get mine and read the note at the bottom.

'Stay after class again, we need to talk.'

I sigh then tell Marco I have to stay behind again. He's okay with it and then we pay attention to Mr. Ackerman.

Just like yesterday Mr. Ackerman waits for everyone to leave before closing the door. He comes toward me and leans back on the desk in front of me.

He says, "Well Jaeger your focus in this class is decent, but you seem like you can't grasp the simple words in French. Do you have any other language you're interested in?"

"Kind of." I answer.

"Well there's also Spanish, Russian, and Japanese offered here." Mr. Ackerman says.

"I know, but those didn't interest me."

"Then what language are you interested in? You still have to take a language course to graduate."

"Well, I mean I have been interested in German." I say quietly, Mr. Ackerman just stares at me so I continue saying, "I know, it must be stupid to be interested in that."

"No it's not, listen I can talk to the principal and see if you can take private German lessons with me."

"Really?!" I say excitedly but then realize, "But how? Mr. Smith talks to very few of the staff?"

"Don't worry, the principal and I go back."

"Thank you Mr. Ackerman but can I ask you something else?" he nods and I continue, "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm not really sure, but I have a feeling if I help you it'll be a good thing."

I smile at the thought that he may care about me then say, "Thank you again Mr. Ackerman."

"You're welcome, Jaeger. Now go on, I'll tell you what's going on after I get an answer.

I nod then happily leave and go to Marco for lessons.

While walking to his house he asks, "Why are you so happy?"

"What do you mean?"

Colors (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now