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"Mr. Ackerman I have a few- oh gosh!"

We quickly separate and I look over at the person who yelled, knowing exactly who it is from the voice.

"Armin, what are you doing here?!" I ask, not really knowing what to do.

"Uh, well I had some questions about the project, but I mean I can come back later." Armin answers and starts to back out of the room.

"Wait Arlelt, what do you need." Levi says backing away from me and going to Armin.

He buttons his shirt back up and helps Armin while I go get my shirt and put it back on. I go sit down at a desk and put my head down and wait.

Once Levi is done Armin thanks him then quickly leaves. Levi comes over to me and says, "Maybe you should go to your friend and talk I'll be done in a few minutes."

"Okay." I say then kiss him on the cheek, grab my things, and leave.

I look for Armin and see him sitting on the steps of the staircase two classrooms away.

"Hey Armin, sorry about that." I say and sit beside him.

"Oh, it's okay it just surprised me. I just thought you two weren't that close at all and hated each other." He explains.

"Yeah I guess how we act together looks that way."

"Definitely, but he does act differently when you two are alone, right?"

"No, it's the same. Just add him being really sexual on top of it."

"What? You mean that's how he acts to you alone?" Armin asks.

"Yeah, but I'm used to it. Sometimes he's really nice..." I think back at some things that's happened and finish my thought out loud, "I think."

"I can't believe that." He says.

"Really? I guess I'll get him to work on showing his nicer side." I say and laugh.

Armin laughs a little with me a little until we hear, "You'll get me to work on showing what, brat?"

Both Armin and I jump and I quickly turn toward Levi saying, "Nothing, I was just joking around."

Levi sighs then says, "Well, whenever you're done talking to Arlelt come outside."

I answer 'okay' to him then watch him leave. Then I turn to Armin and ask, "So what are you doing?"

"I'm still supposed to be with the principle so I'm going back to his office."

"What were you guys doing?"

"Well we were talking more about my future and the collages that are going to be offered if I take certain classes. Though while talking he got an important call so I started doing some of my homework, but while I was doing it I realized I didn't get a good explanation of what I'm supposed to do for the project." He explains then pauses and asks, "Can I tell you an important secret?"

"Yeah, I won't tell anyone." I answer.

"Okay... I've found my soulmate as well."

"Really, that's amazing Armin!" I say happily.

"Thanks." He says and starts blushing.

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