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The next morning I sit up in the bed and start to feel my cheek throbbing.

Levi sits up right after and states, "Eren, your cheek is swollen."

"What?! Ow!" I yell grabbing my cheek.

"So maybe you shouldn't yell... I'll go get some ice."

"Thanks." I say quietly while he gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen.

Why does my cheek have to hurt the next day? I hate these kind of injuries.

I continue to whine about my cheek in my head then Levi comes back with the ice saying, "Maybe we can tell your family about our engagement after the swelling goes down and the bruise goes away."

"I have a visible bruise? Great..."

I continue to pout and then my phone starts to ring. Levi gets it for me and cheeks the caller ID.

"It's Kirstein." He tells me.

"Okay I'll take it." I say holding out for my phone.

Levi gives it to me and I press the accept button then greet, "Hey Jean, how's Marco doing ?"

"He's in stable condition and will survive..."

"That's great!" I say, but maybe a little too soon.

"But he has to go through some surgeries and they're not sure when he'll be released."

"Oh... well let's hope it's soon." I say hopefully sounding confident.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later I guess... bye."

"Yeah, bye."

After that I hang up and Levi asks, "How's your friend?"

"He's in stable condition and will go through a few surgeries then will be released."

"See I told you your friend would be alright."


"Come here." Levi says holding out his arms.

I snuggle up to him and he kisses the top of my head and says sweetly, "Everything will be alright Eren."

I nod and we say together in each other's arms till it is time to make breakfast.


A few days pass and today I'm going to be telling my family who my soulmate is and I'm really nervous.

Mikasa's going to kill me.

Levi parks his car in front of my house and I get out. I'm almost instantly greeted by Mikasa hugging me and saying that she's missed me. Though a few seconds later she spots Levi and glares at him.

"What is he doing here?" She says to me but still glaring at Levi.

I'm about to answer but then mom comes out and says, "Welcome back Eren. This sure is sooner than expected."

"Yeah, actually I have something to say to everyone, so is dad home?" I ask.

"No, but I'm sure he'll be here soon so let's wait inside." Mom answers. I nod then mom looks to Levi and says, "You can come in as well."

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