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Two weeks without Eren at school and I start to feel like maybe I should finally go talk to him. This has been going on long enough and Eren isn't going to realize the truth without some force.


After school today I go to Eren's house and Ackerman opens the door. We never really got along especially when we first met when she was around 6 years old.

But I won't say anything about that. I really don't want to remember.

"Is Eren Jaeger here?" I ask.

"Yes and what's the reason you're here?" She asks glaring.

"Is it really your business to know?" I ask in a somewhat harsh tone, glaring back.

We continue to glare at each other until someone walks by and asks, "Mikasa, who are you talking to?"

"Oh it's no one." She answers.

Well that's nice.

"I'm one of the teachers at Survey Corps High, I'm here to talk to Eren Jaeger under the principals request." I say.

"Oh, well I'm not sure you can talk to him. He hasn't left his room much since he was suspended and only leaves to go to the bathroom or get his food that I lay at his door." The woman says.

So even being a brat to his family, that dumbass.

"So I'm guessing you're Jaeger's mother." I say.

"Yes." She answers.

"Can we talk alone for a bit?"

Mrs. Jaeger nods then I walk past Ackerman and take off my shoes at the door. After I follow Mrs. Jaeger to the kitchen and we talk for a while about Eren's situation then I tell her a plan for me to talk to him.

For some reason she agrees to go with it with no problem, especially the part that is once I'm in his room to not try to listen to anything said or done.

So she starts making dinner for Eren then once finished goes up to his room and knocks on his door.

Eren's POV

Two weeks pass and I stay in my room all day doing nothing except for laying in bed. I don't care anymore about my life it's just shit.

So staying in my bed under covers is the only place that I'll feel safe.

"Eren, Eren. I have dinner for you open up." My mom says knocking on the door. "Eren please, you've been in there for the past two weeks."

I say nothing to her and stay in bed then I hear, "I'll just leave you're food in front of the door again."

I hear footsteps walk back downstairs so I get up, unlock my door, and grab the food. Wait why did she give me a bottle of water and everything is in a container?

I stare at the food in my hands questionably then I'm suddenly pushed back into my room. I drop the food and look at the person seeing Levi.

He closes my door then locks it and comes closer to me all while I ask, "Levi, What are you doing here?"

"This time you will listen."

"What do you mean?" I ask then suddenly get pushed onto my bed with him on top of me.

One of his legs are between mine really close to my private area and I feel my heart racing.

Damn it, stop racing.

"You didn't hear enough of the damn conversation, brat. The person I was talking to is an old work mate that wanted to tell me all about their damn relationship and wanted me to give them tickets to a concert."

"But you said-"

"I know what I fucking said brat, I never cheated on you and you wouldn't listen when I wanted to explain. Don't sound like the damn victim."


"You're stubbornness is annoying, brat." He says then gets off of me and I instantly hug him.

"What are you doing?"

"I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Levi. I regret everything I've done to you. You must've hurt a lot, I'm sorry." I cry out and hold him tighter.

"It's alright brat... oh come on, what's with the tears? You're acting like a little kid." Levi then sighs and hugs me back saying, "You're ridiculous, brat."

I keep crying and holding onto him then finally say after a long time, "I love you, Levi."

"I love you too, brat."

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