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The next day is Friday in other words the day Levi plans to meet the person he was talking to on the phone.

I walk into eighth period and when the bell rings Levi comes in. We make slight eye contact but I look away before my emotions start to show.

This is torturous.

After class I start to pack up and leave but stopped by Levi.

He doesn't say anything until every student is gone from the classroom saying, "You're lying about breaking up."

"No I'm not." I say trying to keep a steady voice.

He stares into my eyes and I feel like I can no longer move.

"Tell me the truth. Do you really want to break up with me?" He says it in a low demanding voice.

I really want to say no to him, but I won't. I don't want to date someone when I know they're cheating.

I take a deep breath and say, "Yes... I don't want to be with you, Levi."

He breaks his stare and I quickly leave the room before I start crying.

He doesn't know what he's doing... does he?


The next day starts the weekend so I just stay in bed and don't come out of my room. Sometimes I hear my mom come up and try to get me out to eat.

Though she gives up and leaves food at my door.

I stay in my room all weekend except for when everyone in the house including Armin begged me. We had a very nice small birthday dinner and when Armin left I went back upstairs to my room.

And when Monday morning came I realized that I have lessons with Levi.

I sigh and go to school like normal with a somewhat tired expression and hope it looks natural. I just want to act as normal as possible.

Then lessons come and I just focus on the lesson and try to avoid every subject revolving around our relationship.

He tries to bring up the subject of our break up for awhile but I soon can't deal with it and leave the classroom and straight home.

As I leave the campus I feel those same watchful eyes, but feel the worry in them. If he feels worried then he shouldn't have cheated in the first place.


Levi's POV

The next few weeks I try to get Eren to talk to me about our relationship but he either ignores me or changes the subject to our lessons.

The first time I brought it up at lessons he ignored me and even left before we were finished.

He's so damn childish.

Once I get home from work today I finally try to call Eren since he just quickly walked out of the classroom again.

He keeps doing that whenever we don't have lessons or right after lessons, it's annoying.

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