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We all get into our groups and go over to our teachers to get information for our test.

First navigation, we go not that far into to the woods to find a certain marked place about 60 meters away from our starting point. It took the first group around thirty to thirty-five minutes and us exactly thirty-two minutes.

The next test, hand-to-hand combat, Mikasa got number one overall and I got second overall and first in my group.

And all I have to say is this... good job trying to impress Marco, Jean. You couldn't make it past me.

The final thing to do is assessing situations with a group. The first group did great and my group had some trouble... Jean and I kept getting into arguments.

In the end both of us had to stay silent while everyone else did the work. And the only reason why we were successful at staying quiet is because of Mr. Ackerman's piercing gaze.

The entire time I felt like he was going to kill me any second if I just breathed loudly.

Once we are done we were dismissed and I go back home with Mikasa.


I kiss Mr. Ackerman over and over again in the classroom after German lessons. It was only supposed to be a small goodbye kiss but it ended up as something more.

I press him up against a desk and intensify every kiss. I start to unbutton his shirt and travel down his neck leaving kisses behind.

I hear his moaning and do more to him. My hands start to travel to his lower back and stop right above his pants line.

He wraps his arms around my neck as I play with the hem of his pants. I then slide my right hand around his waist, holding him more while the other travels to the front.

I unbutton and unzip his pants then pull then down. I stop kissing him and take off my clothes with the help of Mr. Ackerman more. He then holds my head and presses his lips on mine and we start kissing again.

I start to rub my body against his-

I slowly wake up and very disappointed in myself. I yawn then start to sit up and realize I'm hard.

Well it can't be helped I guess, that dream was great. If only I could actually do that to him in person and know what his body underneath his clothes really looked like.

I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom. While shuffling there I realize that I have no clue of what Mr. Ackerman's first name is.

So goal number one, tomorrow get Mr. Ackerman's first name. Number two, actually see what his body looks like.

Once I'm done in the bathroom I put on a random black shirt, gray sweatpants, with the key hidden under my shirt. I walk sleepily downstairs and see Mikasa helping mom with something.

I ignore whatever they're doing and go over to the living room then turn on the TV. Dads TV show is on so I change the channels until I find one that's decent for me.

I start watching the eighth episode of Boku no Hero Academia or My Hero Academia, whichever you prefer, season 2. Even though I've watched this anime a million times I still like it, it's a good show.

But still that dream I had... I knew what I was doing but I couldn't imagine Mr. Ackerman's body. That's annoying me a bit.

I sigh and keep watching the show until Mikasa comes over and says, "It's time for lunch."

I nod then get up and go over to the dining table. My dad is at work like usual so mom, Mikasa, and I all have lunch together.

When I finish eating lunch I go back to the TV and feel a glare coming from Mikasa.

I turn toward her and ask, "What is it?"

"It's time to be useful today, go and get these things from the store." She says holding out a groceries list.

"Why can't you do it?"

"I'm helping mom today in the garden." She says still holding out the list.

I sigh, grab the paper, walk toward the door, put on my shoes, and walk to the store.

Once I'm almost finished going through the store for everything on the list the last item is the laundry detergent.

I go over to the section of the store that stores every cleaning supplies I can think of. As I reach for the laundry detergent, I hit my hand on someone else's.

I back away and quickly say, "I'm sorry."

I hear a 'it's alright' from the person and they sound familiar. I look at the person and see that it's Mr. Ackerman.

He grabs the cleaning product and starts to walk away, ignoring me. I grab his arm and ask, "Mr. Ackerman, can we talk?"

"What about?" He asks not turning around.


"If it's about us going out forget it." He says then starts to walk away.

I tighten my grip so he doesn't leave, then he turns towards me, and glares coldly. I flinch and let go of his arm.

He turns away from me and starts to leave. I sigh then grab what I came for and follow him only to the cash registers to pay. I then leave the store without saying another word to him.

Man I messed up.

Levi's POV

Out of anyone, I just had to see Jaeger today and he had to bring up dating again.

I sigh and walk out of the store to my car. I see Jaeger come out of the store and start walking the other direction.

I then turn on my car and leave the parking lot to my apartment complex.

Once I get home I take my shoes off and go put the food and cleaning supplies away. I check if anything is really dirty and start to clean it if so.

After about two hours I'm done cleaning everything then sit on my couch and start reading a book.

But I wonder what would happen if I did get into a relationship with Jaeger... no, I shouldn't he's a student.

I'll just act normally tomorrow.


Eren's POV

The weekend is finally over and it's Monday, that means lessons with Mr. Ackerman. I just hope things won't be awkward because of yesterday.

Classes couldn't have been any slower, though. The only reason why I think that is probably because I'm thinking of what Mr. Ackerman could do to me.

The bell for the end of the day rings so now it's time for my private lessons.

Mr. Ackerman closes the door like before then goes over to a cabinet and takes out a German textbook.

He sets it on my desk then pulls up a chair to my left and says, "So let's get started."

I nod in agreement and we start, well so far I'm fine.

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