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We all stare at Jean in shock and I ask still not believing the news, "What do you mean, Jean? He's not dying, he's fine, right?"

"I wish I could say that, but no. Marco got hit by a car after graduation a few days ago. It was a hit and run..." Jean explains with tears starting to run down his face.

"Jean..." Someone standing behind me says, their voice sounding worried.

"Eren. Armin. Come with me." Jean says wiping his tears.

"O-okay." I say wearily and look at Armin for some kind of answer.

He just shrugs then we both follow Jean.

We go to an empty hallway and Jean says, "So the reason why I know Marco is dying is because my color is fading."

"What do you mean your color is fading?" Armin asks.

Jean is silent then says, "As of right now seeing in color constantly is hard. I could just be sitting somewhere and my vision becomes blurry and I can see in black and white for a few seconds then back to color. But it's scary, 'Once your soulmate dies you see in black and white again.' that's what we're told, it's scary... I don't want Marco to die!"

Jean yells out the last few words then keeps yelling, "No one saw the people who hit him! I couldn't do anything when I saw him out on the side of the road bleeding out! I can't take this pain anymore! I'm so damn useless!"

He cries out with all of his heart and the tears flow out. Jean collapses on the ground and sobs.

Armin comes closer to him and hugs him for comfort while I watch and feel my heart break inside at the news.

I may not feel the same way as Jean, but I do know that I don't want Marco to die and it will pain me if he does. He's one of my few friends that understands me at times, hell, he helped Armin and I learn colors when he didn't need to.

Who ever hit him will regret it because I will give them a piece of my mind. No way is this going to happen.

"Jean," I say getting his attention, "I'm sure Marco will wake up. He's strong and I know he wouldn't just die, because he doesn't want to see you saddened by anything. He's told me countless times how much he loves you, so you should be with him now to give him more strength."

"Wow Eren... that's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Yeah? Well it's payment for giving me some advice not to fuck up again."

"Thanks." Jean says and wipes his tears.

After a while we go back to the group and Jean leaves to go back to the hospital to be with Marco. As we talk the feeling isn't as cheerful as before and a few times Connie or Sasha try to make it better.

Though they fail.

Afterwards I meet up with Levi outside in the back then we go home together. Levi says nothing going home probably getting not to talk to me right now.

Colors (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now